
I hate sport, all sport, I don't like competition or see whats so good about it, why it has to dominate so much air time, rugby is practically a religion in Wales with football not far behind. I dont' like wearing uniforms, I'm not a uniform person. I intensely dislike getting hot and sweaty too. I swim like a brick and the best bit of skiing I ever managed was backwards.

Can someone please explain to me whats so good about sport and competition?

  • In my opinion there is nothing good about sport, except that some forms will keep their practitioners physically fit. For me sport varies from complete disinterest to extreme hatred. The latter response is if I am obliged to participate, thankfully not since school, or if I cannot avoid it impinging on my life in some way (such as football louts yelling in city centres, to traffic jams when sporting events are happening).

  • I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way, I was starting to feel like a freak and I feel freakish enough as it is.

  • I can just about imagine that playing a sport might possibly be rewarding, but the attraction of watching other people play sport is quite beyond my comprehension.

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