Acceptance of Autism by Society


How can you be an individual and fit in? Of course we are quirky because we are not pretending to be anything but ourselves. This ties in with freedom, which is neutrality. Definite identity is bias, when it is rigidly defended. You cannot help the sex or race you were born with but you can choose to accept or reject the cultural beliefs you were given at birth. Does this mean that you should rebel against the food you eat, the clothes you wear? No because this form of culture may not be one you have a choice over, unless you grow your own, make it or import it as it may not be locally available.

Showing no interest means not getting involved. For me this means not getting swayed by ideas (beliefs), which ordinary people are stirred by all the time. They say this means we have no empathy – I say it means we are not pliable and swayed by emotional rhetoric. We won't be manipulated by those who create conformist tyrannies, like Hitler's Germany or The Islamic State – we don't belong and don't want to play dolls for others. If this makes us branded as weirdoes, so be it. I'd rather not fit in than be willing cannon fodder. I'd rather be constructive, living in my own little world than destructive, living in somebody else’s (“War isn't murder, it's suicide” as Ramsay McDonald, the British prime minister said).

To ordinary people you're good when you do what you're told and bad when you disobey or revolt. For us it is not about fitting in that way or playing favourites but discovering what is the best way to live together and progress as human beings: Once again sensible, non-biased actions, in a personal way as opposed to emotional bias and being pushed around like cattle.

Normal people are like Daleks, trying to enforce conformity of mind and uniformity of body – compared to our Dr Who's; creative, inventive and operating on free will. They do their best to sabotage their senses, through drink, drugs, sleep deprivation, noise and continual motion, while we try to slow down, live modestly and keep our fingers on the pulse of reality. They seem to like the sound of their own voices and lap up what others say as if it was gospel truth. We on the other hand use our eyes first, to work out what is true and what isn't (the little boffins that we are). Because they rush through life, they only have a shallow grasp of reality, whereas we slow down and look, therefore having more depth of perception and control over details in our lives, painfully so in fact at times. We want to be responsible (present / grounded), while they do their best to avoid grasping anything, sabotaging their sensory input at every opportunity. This leaves them lacking awareness and memory of the world they live in or the body they inhabit. Should we feel sorry for them? No because this is self-inflicted misery, despite their denials (denial is the opposite of responsibility because it is refusing to accept your own actions as being self-directed, self-chosen, even when it is following somebody else (I was only obeying orders): Remember nothing, blame everything and everyone else for your own ignorance and suicidal behaviour but yourself (God, nature, society etc.).

So do we really want to be accepted by a society that wants to humiliate and degrade us, in order to suppress our individuality and get us to toe the line? Well I don't because I'm an individual with something to offer as an individual – how about you?

  • Speaking as an older Irish gay man, my later in life diagnosis of autism brings me back to my own coming out as gay in my teens in Rural Ireland amongst hardline traditional Catholics and there are parallels with the struggles of LGBT people and those of us with autism - many autistic people are LGBT and vice versa and the coming out as having autism is similar in many ways to coming out as LGBT - the refusal to understand and the lack of acceptance by many in our society exists, even within the LGBT community, where the prejudice and discrimination from within the LGBT community is just as bad against LGBT people with autism - this was brought home to me very strongly during Covid and in my support for the truth and patriot movement, where I begun to see just how many people were so brainwashed, mind-controlled and indoctrinated, a heartbreaking truth of reality, where they were so willing to lap up any and all propaganda from the TV and other sources, including members of my own family, to my horror - having been unable to come to Ireland from the U.K. due to Covid since December 2019, I next was able to come home again in August 2022 and I carefully observed my family’s reaction to the media propaganda re Covid and other issues and also in October 2022 where this was more advanced, I was horrified by what had happened to them, having spoken to them in between, they were totally brainwashed and mind-controlled by Covid propaganda - ever since Covid, there has been a distance (not just the obvious physical distance) between myself and my extended family in Ireland as they refuse to wake up - all of us with autism may very well be more switched onto the truth than anyone of the rest of society cares to admit because we see the problems clearly, while the brainwashed masses try to force us to accept their (warped) views that we “don’t understand that we are wrong” - so many things that at the start of Covid were once dismissed as “conspiracy theories” have now been established as fact, almost 4 years after the first lockdown where our society massively changed for the worst and we are all witnesses to this 

  • Speaking as an older Irish gay man, my later in life diagnosis of autism brings me back to my own coming out as gay in my teens in Rural Ireland amongst hardline traditional Catholics and there are parallels with the struggles of LGBT people and those of us with autism - many autistic people are LGBT and vice versa and the coming out as having autism is similar in many ways to coming out as LGBT - the refusal to understand and the lack of acceptance by many in our society exists, even within the LGBT community, where the prejudice and discrimination from within the LGBT community is just as bad against LGBT people with autism - this was brought home to me very strongly during Covid and in my support for the truth and patriot movement, where I begun to see just how many people were so brainwashed, mind-controlled and indoctrinated, a heartbreaking truth of reality, where they were so willing to lap up any and all propaganda from the TV and other sources, including members of my own family, to my horror - having been unable to come to Ireland from the U.K. due to Covid since December 2019, I next was able to come home again in August 2022 and I carefully observed my family’s reaction to the media propaganda re Covid and other issues and also in October 2022 where this was more advanced, I was horrified by what had happened to them, having spoken to them in between, they were totally brainwashed and mind-controlled by Covid propaganda - ever since Covid, there has been a distance (not just the obvious physical distance) between myself and my extended family in Ireland as they refuse to wake up - all of us with autism may very well be more switched onto the truth than anyone of the rest of society cares to admit because we see the problems clearly, while the brainwashed masses try to force us to accept their (warped) views that we “don’t understand that we are wrong” - so many things that at the start of Covid were once dismissed as “conspiracy theories” have now been established as fact, almost 4 years after the first lockdown where our society massively changed for the worst and we are all witnesses to this 

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