Autistic daughter struggling

My daughter was diagnosed in January and attempted an overdose not to long after this

a few weeks later she was found on a bridge by a member of the public

tinight she went missing with a freind who was running away from home but we tracked her down and found her 25 miles away!! There is no remorse which I understand but I feel like we are with her 24 hours a day and she should be safe at school but we are really struggling!! I hope it will get better one day and we are getting all the help we can but at the minute it doesn’t seem like this difficult time will end 

  • That is so tough. I'm kinda on the opposite end with random and sometimes surprisingly intense thoughts of ending it, and the first reason why I keep fighting it is that I don't want others to go through such horrible pain, but it's not the same for everyone always and your daughter is having a difficult time seeing through her pain which I've felt too. I'm glad you are all getting help though, that's something I've rarely had and nobody knows about my thoughts. I hope you all get better soon. 

  • Well just by replying you have made my day so thank you and if you ever need a chat just message me or reply on here xxx

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