Obsession with People

Hi all!

I work with teenage boys on the spectrum and one of them has a strong fixation on people. He constantly asks for a high five every day and will stare at me for several minutes when saying goodbye. If he doesn’t get to do this he will shout and scream until he gets his way.

Are there any strategies to help reduce the obsession and fixations?

Thanks in advance.

  • I'm not sure but isn't that more a case of a need for routine and/or not conforming to the same social rules? I don't think this is obsession.

    What is the problematic thing? What's wrong with high fiving and staring?

    Or maybe you mean there are times when you might be too busy to say goodbye the way they like? If so, that is tough and I don't know what the answer would be. Or maybe the problem is somewhere else?

  • I'm not sure but isn't that more a case of a need for routine and/or not conforming to the same social rules? I don't think this is obsession.

    What is the problematic thing? What's wrong with high fiving and staring?

    Or maybe you mean there are times when you might be too busy to say goodbye the way they like? If so, that is tough and I don't know what the answer would be. Or maybe the problem is somewhere else?

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