Misdiagnosed Bipolar? advice + own experiences pls

I was only recently diagnosed with autism and ADHD (in my early 20s), but have many current and past mental health diagnoses, including bipolar disorder when I was a teenager. Reading so many stories - especially of autistic people assigned female at birth (AFAB) being misdiagnosed and accumulating so many different labels before finally discovering they are autistic (obviously comorbidities exist). Specifically the depression + anxiety --> bpd --> bipolar --> autism pipeline (which is my experience to a T! Anyone have any advice or stories of their own?

  • Are you confident thar the bipolar diagnosis was wrong? It is one "condition" that does benefit from medication.

    Hey there 

    My friend is diagnosed adhd and bipolar. He was late diagnosed at age 43! 
    He struggled all his life up to that point and beyond. Everyone misunderstood him with his behaviour but I stuck with him. After trying a few different meds he is now stable and in a good place so there is hope. 

    The medication has helped him hugely. 

    good luck 

  • I was only recently diagnosed with autism and ADHD (in my early 20s), but have many current and past mental health diagnoses, including bipolar disorder

    I think most mental health professional have a hard enough time diagnosing anyone neurodivergent, nevermind one who spans multiple categories.

    It is quite possible to have 2 or even 3 of the categories, but it is rare and very hard to diagnose correctly.

    Are you confident thar the bipolar diagnosis was wrong? It is one "condition" that does benefit from medication.

    Reading so many stories - especially of autistic people assigned female at birth (AFAB) being misdiagnosed and accumulating so many different labels before finally discovering they are autistic

    I'm not aware of the corrolation here. Can you point us to any scientific articles on the subject please?