Do these count as "special interests"?

I haven't really engaged in any interests for years now because I was too preoccupied with other things and didn't feel the need to, but I can recall a couple of things I might have obsessed over in the past.

When I was younger I was pretty obsessed with Pokémon, I spent years grinding it on my gameboy as a child and then a bit later on as a preteen I grinded it on my computer too for a decent period.

I loved Harry Potter when I was younger, and now at 18 years old I've started reading it again and I want to start obsessing over it 

I've also been into drawing when I was younger which later turned into a graphic design obsession for a couple of years.

When I say I was obsessed I dont mean I knew everything about it or anything like that , I just loved it thats it.

I still feel connected to most of these things and want to reintroduce them into my life.

I now feel like I must have some interests to obsess over, it makes me feel like I have more value. Could just be due to my low self esteem tho.

Im wondering if that classifies as special interests?

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