Private doctor refused to see me because I'm autistic - is this discrimination?

To be clear, I already have an autism diagnosis through the NHS. I'm now seeking healthcare for a different condition. I contacted a private doctor who initially offered me an appointment, but withdrew the offer when I told him about my autism diagnosis as part of providing my medical history. He told me to go to a doctor who specialises in autism instead. Is this discrimination?

  • I can’t offer you legal advice the best I can do is say maybe. After looking very hard I cannot find an exemption in the equality act that would allow a doctor to refuse to treat somebody because they are disabled. Now a doctor can certainly argue that the treatment that it is appropriate to give someone is different because they are disabled, but I don’t see an absolute reason why a case couldn’t be argued against a Doctor Who refuses to treat a disabled person. If I have the time and inclination I may do some more reading on this later today.

    autism definitely is a disability and is protected under the equality act. And doctors providing medical treatment will fall under the category of services which are regulated by the equality act. So I don’t see any reason in theory why A private doctor couldn’t be sued for refusing an autistic patient.

  • I can’t offer you legal advice the best I can do is say maybe. After looking very hard I cannot find an exemption in the equality act that would allow a doctor to refuse to treat somebody because they are disabled. Now a doctor can certainly argue that the treatment that it is appropriate to give someone is different because they are disabled, but I don’t see an absolute reason why a case couldn’t be argued against a Doctor Who refuses to treat a disabled person. If I have the time and inclination I may do some more reading on this later today.

    autism definitely is a disability and is protected under the equality act. And doctors providing medical treatment will fall under the category of services which are regulated by the equality act. So I don’t see any reason in theory why A private doctor couldn’t be sued for refusing an autistic patient.

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