I'm feeling discombobulated. Tech, tourists and speed limits

I had a meeting with someone who's there to help people with tech, smart phones and the like, it didn't go well, I found out that whatsapp is a place where you can share emails with a group, only I'm not part of any groups, she tried using an advert as an example of something, I don't watch adverts, I think it was about holidays, I dont' go on holiday. Then she said that as I can use email, the rainforresty place and make calls and texts I don't need anything else, I couldn't get through to her that although I don't want a smart phone it's becoming increasingly difficult to live without one and I need to know how to use things like car parking apps and QR codes. It didn't help that the library where we were meeting has no phone signal anyway and the computers are ancient and the speeds practically dial up levels. She didn't engage with the number of things I've crashed and how I don't know if it's me or the device, nobody seems to engage with that one though.

I had to leave the session early as I was feeling overwhelmed and spent the rest of the evening feeling concussed from the big grey wall that is tech that I'd been banging my head against for an hour. Does anyoone else feel like they have big walls in front of them with things they don't understand that when they run into them leave them feeling sort of concussed?

TThis morning I realised it's easter next weekend, the start of the annual invasion of tourists, there's been so many sinse covid, herds of them cluttering the place up, leaving litter and doing really stupid stuff, like parking in front of peoples drive ways. I find the rudeness of so many of them really really difficult, I've come close violence a couple of times, things like when you get told that Welsh laws dont' apply to them as they're English, they only apply to those of us who live here. This was really bad during covid, the police were finding people going to their second homes and sending their luggage by courier so as they wouldn't get stopped at the border, they leave gates open, let thier dogs *** everywhere and won't keep them on leads. Now we have a 20mph speed limit in built up areas, many locals don't like it, but tourists are going mental, they already treat the roads like thier personal racetrack.

II'm dreading the summer and I want to be able to enjoy it, not feel like I'm braving a siege everytime I leave the house.

I feel stressed out already, the only potential high point is that heard that many second home owners and itinerant pensioners in their caravans are selling up and leaving because they don't like the 20mph limit, if only!

  • I met a very partially sighted man last year. He was massively disadvantaged in life because of the advance of tech for everything. He could hardly see. It isn't just concessions which are needed for people who don't or wont understand it. He wasn't physically able to use a smartphone. 

  • These are cases where it's 100 percent needed to provide an alternative to tech (or alternative tech) , there's other cases I think don't get as much acceptance as they're not as visible.

    Being autistic I know we'll always be doubted on some things, we can appear physically able , so some people will always think we're being awkward and should just "get on with it" at times we struggle. These are the harder cases to make people understand and cater for, but maybe not impossible.

    I for one hide my autism to a lot of people,  maybe I shouldn't do, but it's how I've lived for decades and since diagnosis I've not told many people, so I guess people perhaps don't know just how many people there are out there struggling in silence.

  • These are cases where it's 100 percent needed to provide an alternative to tech (or alternative tech) , there's other cases I think don't get as much acceptance as they're not as visible.

    Being autistic I know we'll always be doubted on some things, we can appear physically able , so some people will always think we're being awkward and should just "get on with it" at times we struggle. These are the harder cases to make people understand and cater for, but maybe not impossible.

    I for one hide my autism to a lot of people,  maybe I shouldn't do, but it's how I've lived for decades and since diagnosis I've not told many people, so I guess people perhaps don't know just how many people there are out there struggling in silence.

  • In his case, he had to state several times that he wasn't able to use the online version. However, I don't know how obvious his conditions were to the other people at the time.

    I think for so many people it's just a normal part of life that they use this tech, and they don't question that other people can't or wont.

    Whether it's about choice or circumstance,  we shouldn't have to justify ourselves.