diagnosis experience and dissapointment.

So after 4 years waiting I finally got to have my NHS diagnosis for ASD and ADHD. My ASD diagnosis was rejected. I am nuerodiverse, not nuerodivergent, I think thats the right way round. So basically I am 80% autistic. I fell down on being able to hold a normal conversation, having hand movements that were consistent and not having a mononitous voice. I also fell down that being 54 nobody could validate anything from my childhood. So over all dissapointing, but I do 100% meet the criteria of innatentive ADHD. I am not really sure how I feel on this whole thing? Maybe I got hung up on scoring high on stuff like obsession, social interaction, and the like.

Now very confused.


  • So basically I am 80% autistic

    You are however 100% neurodiverse and 100% you. The definitions used to assign the label of autistic are somewhat arbitary as they are largely used to define if you are disabled by it (this is a definition used by the medical community based on how many and how severe the traits are).

    Knowing you have a significant number of neurodiverse traits is a great thing as you now know the cause and there is an abundance of literature out there to help you understand more.

    You also have this community here to support and offer advice, so you are in a much better place than you were before.

    I also fell down that being 54 nobody could validate anything from my childhood.

    This won't have had a lot of impact as most late diagnosed adults have few reliable sources of witness to their early childhood.

    What are you confused about? Specifics are much easier to help with.

  • So basically I am 80% autistic

    You are however 100% neurodiverse and 100% you. The definitions used to assign the label of autistic are somewhat arbitary as they are largely used to define if you are disabled by it (this is a definition used by the medical community based on how many and how severe the traits are).

    Knowing you have a significant number of neurodiverse traits is a great thing as you now know the cause and there is an abundance of literature out there to help you understand more.

    You also have this community here to support and offer advice, so you are in a much better place than you were before.

    I also fell down that being 54 nobody could validate anything from my childhood.

    This won't have had a lot of impact as most late diagnosed adults have few reliable sources of witness to their early childhood.

    What are you confused about? Specifics are much easier to help with.

  • I think I am confused because I waited 4 years for this and looked into ASD so much I was totally convinced. I hardly looked at ADHD. So I have loads of things I atributed to ASD, what is actually ADHD? Just feels like I have taken some massive steps back.