Involuntary bodily movements

So I was just looking for advice and to see if anyone knows anything about this. I keep getting involuntary movements and spasms when lying in bed trying to sleep. When I’m lying down my whole body will jerk like a shot of electricity has gone through it. I’m also very jumpy and get startled easily. Don’t know if it’s anxiety but I’m on antidepressants and they don’t stop it. So I was maybe thinking it’s a physical problem. Interestingly when I consume alcohol it goes away for a while. 

  • This is easily remedied with a "B stress complex" tablet and some Cal/ Mag/Zinc 10 minutes before bedtime. This is a tried and true method. And cheap to try. Again,take about 10 minutes before lying down for the night.

    It is a your nervous system trying to "off gas" as it were with out enough Vitamin B "regulators" in your system.

    Do you drink coffee? If so, quit for the day at least 6 hours before you bed down. Coffee uses up ALL the reserves of Vitamin B (all of the strains) with just one cup. It needs replenishing. As a matter of fact, you can take a B stress tablet right after finishing the coffee to great effect as well. Do both.

    Also, eat more greens!

    Good luck

  • Thanks for advice I’ll post any updates on here anyway if there are any to be made.

  • thanks I would really appreciate that. What I outlined is the only thing that worked for me.

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