Do I get my 6 year old son officially diagnosed???

Hi, I have just joined the group, and in need of some advice, a quick overview of what we have in place for my child so far 

Henry is in Mainstream school with a 1:1 support teacher

he has a occupational therapist that visits him 

he has a speech and language therapist 

he’s been seen  by the school child psychologist 

he has just recently been given a EHCP, his needs are social, emotional and emotional dysregulation, which can result in outburst of anger towards his peers and teachers, hitting, kicking, throwing chairs and equipment 

the last 2 years since Henry started in his reception class at school have been beyond stressful and upsetting, a constant battle between myself and the headteacher, staff and the school policies, as the school were not acknowledging or addressing his needs, it’s been a massive learning curve these last 2 years for the school as they were not exactly SEN friendly. 
I considered changing schools many times but Henry always wanted to go and he was forming friendships and a positive relationship with his 1:1 so he stayed. 

we have been waiting for well over a year now to get an appointment for his initial social communication appointment to get a diagnosis, the letter arrived 5 days ago, I am now unsure if I want that official diagnosis, or as I call it “labelling” 

I don’t want that officials diagnosis to potentially affect his life, as people can  be prejudice and have misinformed views of what autism is

So I was hoping for advice whether I should or shouldn’t do it, and if any other parent is in the Same position ?? 
i have spoken to WESAIL, WISENDSS they have said it would work in Henry’s favour to do it, but im Still not 100% sure 

thank you for taking the time to read my message 


  • ah its good you put thought into how it will effect his life though.

    but also bear in mind if he doesnt get a diagnosis that may also effect his life too as if he cant act "normal" or whatever and sticks out and it is obvious or a thing a employer sees or doesnt like yet hasnt got a diagnosis then without a diagnosis theres no protection and no "excuse" or reason for his behaviour as the third party would like to say. and without excuse/reason then he gets targeted more and theres no protection for him. so a diagnosis would provide more protection than without as far as i see it...

    but yeah it can also be used against him too such as in another thread where someone states that a defence against a claim they have is being called out and denied due to their diagnosis in which their kids diagnosis are making it out they was already emotionally harmed and anxious... so it can actually work that way too..

    so its give and take on both ends.... but in large id say its likely dependant on how your son is.... if its a glaring issue thats going to stick out and the difference will be noticeable to future employers, then he needs a diagnosis as a excuse/reason for that employer as protection because if theres a glaring difference without a excuse/reason like a diagnosis then they will freely just get rid of him even if they know he may have a undiagnosed condition, theyd jump to get rid of him if theres no diagnosis as no diagnosis means no protection and no protection means employers will seek to get rid immediately or bully him out. so if it is a thing that will stick out in the future id say he needs it, so its all on how your kid is and how you guess he will cope in the adult world in the future.

  • ah its good you put thought into how it will effect his life though.

    but also bear in mind if he doesnt get a diagnosis that may also effect his life too as if he cant act "normal" or whatever and sticks out and it is obvious or a thing a employer sees or doesnt like yet hasnt got a diagnosis then without a diagnosis theres no protection and no "excuse" or reason for his behaviour as the third party would like to say. and without excuse/reason then he gets targeted more and theres no protection for him. so a diagnosis would provide more protection than without as far as i see it...

    but yeah it can also be used against him too such as in another thread where someone states that a defence against a claim they have is being called out and denied due to their diagnosis in which their kids diagnosis are making it out they was already emotionally harmed and anxious... so it can actually work that way too..

    so its give and take on both ends.... but in large id say its likely dependant on how your son is.... if its a glaring issue thats going to stick out and the difference will be noticeable to future employers, then he needs a diagnosis as a excuse/reason for that employer as protection because if theres a glaring difference without a excuse/reason like a diagnosis then they will freely just get rid of him even if they know he may have a undiagnosed condition, theyd jump to get rid of him if theres no diagnosis as no diagnosis means no protection and no protection means employers will seek to get rid immediately or bully him out. so if it is a thing that will stick out in the future id say he needs it, so its all on how your kid is and how you guess he will cope in the adult world in the future.

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