
     I have huge problems with tech, I almost gave up joining here as I kept running into problems about codes and passwords. I can use basic email and just about cope with some shopping, like the big forresty place, but some I find overwhelming. I don't know how to use a smart phone I can just about cope with a stupid one, but not well. Everyone seems to think that everyone else is comfortable with tech and that 'it's intuitive', who's intuition are they using? I can't seem to find any help and everyone seems to think more tech is the answer. I'm starting to get very excluded from the world as everything moves towards smart phones, mobile banking, do they really want me to crash the worlds entire banking system? That's the other thing with tech, I go near it, it goes wrong, the list of things I've crashed gets ever longer, sometimes I only have to stand next to something for it to stop working. I'm so fed up with stupid answers when I try and explain my problems, from people talking loudly and slowly to me, (my response was I'm autistic not deaf or stupid), or laughing, getting angry, trying to start me off at a place well above my understanding, like 'you have to decide if you want Apple or Android?' Most often they just sort of drift away, before I sprout a second head or something. One of my learning difficulties is that some bits of information go straight to long term memory storage without ever passing through short term memory storage, I'm told that without spending time in short term storage, I have no synaptic links created, so I can't retrieve information. For example I know I've done C&P dozens of times, but I can't remember how to do it, everytime is like the first, of course it dosen't help when I lose stuff, like an essay or something. Tech causes me more meltdowns than almost anything else

  • That sounds rough.  I'm dyslexic and I find online forms very difficult, despite being a tech savvy engineer.  Most things seems to be practice, but it is very hard for me (and I assume worse for you) to actually get over the first hurdle so we are able to repeat the process enough to actually start 'learning' it.

  • We live in a world that is ever more forcing us to learn unnatural and useless protocols. 

    To a certain extent that perception of increasing difficulty is indeed just an artifact of aging, but there's something more subtle about the discoonects that the aging population faces these days.

    In the 1950's the "genration gap was "manufactured" and promoted to the young.

    By this mechanism the one advantage and value that the elderly population had in society was discarded, that of experience and understanding of issues that play out over a longer than anticpated timescale. By doing this "tradition", and "cultrure" were neurtered as teh driving forces in our societies and a stream of progressive ideas coudl be tried and discarded at will.

    Currently our glorious leaders are looking for immortality by means of human/machine integration, the so -called "Trans-Humanist Agenda" as preached by Yuval Harari et alia. HEnce teh push to make you feel incomplete unless you are "plugged in and available" at all times, hence the pereceived need to carry a smartfone.

    Even I feel the need to carry an actuial "smart" phone, although I turn the data OFF, and only use it for texts and phone calls... 

    I've never been against technology before, but it's getting a bit too "mandatory" for my taste... 

  • At age 53 myself, I’m not too bad with tech, as I’d embraced much of it in my teens in the 1980’s despite my grandparents generation being totally against the internet and mobile phones (where I’ve discovered that they were correct in their opposition) and we now have a situation where it is now in effect mandatory to have all of these devices to exist in society, along with the censorship that crept in later on, while we have been rendered totally reliant on all of these, a huge problem in rural areas - I do agree that in the last 40 years it has gone way too far, even if it is about “convenience” - so many big companies and state bodies have moved everything online to do even the smallest things, as we discovered during Covid lockdowns - given the chance, I’d probably ditch it all, but it’s not practical to do so 

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