Things you did that looking back make your realise you were autistic

I was only recently diagnosed a few years ago, and I've been looking back and thinking about things I did when I was a child that were definitely signs of being on the spectrum. 

I went through a very intense phase of eating everything with a spork, especially one meal in particular - rye bread with hummus on, topped with a little bit of green Tabasco sauce. This was after my enlightening experience of going to Leeds Festival for my birthday when I was 12 and camping over the weekend, having eaten everything using a spork. 

That and eating any noodles or pasta with one of those spinning Pot Noodle forks.... good times. :-)

Looking back, I can realise why my mum definitely thought I was autistic. 

I'd love to know if anyone has any similar things that they liked/did that looking back you realise were signs you were autistic. 

  • I think I showed the autistic signs as a child though it did go on unnoticed until I was at secondary school - I was diagnosed aged 13.

    The things that were autistic in me then that looking back now seem really obvious were...
    Light sensitivity: anything bright really upset me and as a child I used to keep my eyes closed as much as possible. My mum who was luckily understanding got me sunglasses which I would wear nearly all the time, especially when I went outside.
    Lack of speech: as a child I was more less mute. I said very little to anybody. Speaking made me very uncomfortable. I spoke to only a handful of people, mostly only my mum but never said a lot. People outside the family I almost never talked to. So many of my teachers used to write home to my parents about my 'rudeness' where I didn't talk to anybody.
    I'm much the same now. I talk but only really to family and I don't say more than a few words.
    Eye contact: this is the obvious one that's associated with most autistic people of most ages. As a child I never made eye contact. It made very uncomfortable and I always kept my head down so I didn't have to look at people.
    I still don't make eye contact but I do now look at people's noses instead lmao.
    Touch sensitivity: I was sensitive to touch as a child. Clothes used to upset me when in contact with my skin and the same with my duvet. Other people touching me was a big no. Even the air seemed to upset me... My skin was and always has been so sensitive.
    My mum got my gloves which I wore when I went out and when I went to school. That got me a lot of bullying but it did help.
    So yeah, looking back this explains a lot and definitely pointed to me being autistic. My mum said as a child she was the same so I do wonder if she is also autistic? We are both similar in many ways, then and now.
  • I think I showed the autistic signs as a child though it did go on unnoticed until I was at secondary school - I was diagnosed aged 13.

    The things that were autistic in me then that looking back now seem really obvious were...
    Light sensitivity: anything bright really upset me and as a child I used to keep my eyes closed as much as possible. My mum who was luckily understanding got me sunglasses which I would wear nearly all the time, especially when I went outside.
    Lack of speech: as a child I was more less mute. I said very little to anybody. Speaking made me very uncomfortable. I spoke to only a handful of people, mostly only my mum but never said a lot. People outside the family I almost never talked to. So many of my teachers used to write home to my parents about my 'rudeness' where I didn't talk to anybody.
    I'm much the same now. I talk but only really to family and I don't say more than a few words.
    Eye contact: this is the obvious one that's associated with most autistic people of most ages. As a child I never made eye contact. It made very uncomfortable and I always kept my head down so I didn't have to look at people.
    I still don't make eye contact but I do now look at people's noses instead lmao.
    Touch sensitivity: I was sensitive to touch as a child. Clothes used to upset me when in contact with my skin and the same with my duvet. Other people touching me was a big no. Even the air seemed to upset me... My skin was and always has been so sensitive.
    My mum got my gloves which I wore when I went out and when I went to school. That got me a lot of bullying but it did help.
    So yeah, looking back this explains a lot and definitely pointed to me being autistic. My mum said as a child she was the same so I do wonder if she is also autistic? We are both similar in many ways, then and now.
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