Things you did that looking back make your realise you were autistic

I was only recently diagnosed a few years ago, and I've been looking back and thinking about things I did when I was a child that were definitely signs of being on the spectrum. 

I went through a very intense phase of eating everything with a spork, especially one meal in particular - rye bread with hummus on, topped with a little bit of green Tabasco sauce. This was after my enlightening experience of going to Leeds Festival for my birthday when I was 12 and camping over the weekend, having eaten everything using a spork. 

That and eating any noodles or pasta with one of those spinning Pot Noodle forks.... good times. :-)

Looking back, I can realise why my mum definitely thought I was autistic. 

I'd love to know if anyone has any similar things that they liked/did that looking back you realise were signs you were autistic. 

  • I didn’t like going outside much. I was quite content staying in and doing my own thing. 

  • Same, to the point where my mum got really upset one day saying 'what's wrong with my son?' I  took myself off to aimlessly play outside instead, miserable of course due to the feeling of guilt about having seemed lazy. She meant well, and was of course motivated by wanting *me* to feel motivated ( according to the classical definition - 'fresh air an exercise') but it just wasn't in my nature to seek that. 

  • Same, to the point where my mum got really upset one day saying 'what's wrong with my son?' I  took myself off to aimlessly play outside instead, miserable of course due to the feeling of guilt about having seemed lazy. She meant well, and was of course motivated by wanting *me* to feel motivated ( according to the classical definition - 'fresh air an exercise') but it just wasn't in my nature to seek that. 
