Things you did that looking back make your realise you were autistic

I was only recently diagnosed a few years ago, and I've been looking back and thinking about things I did when I was a child that were definitely signs of being on the spectrum. 

I went through a very intense phase of eating everything with a spork, especially one meal in particular - rye bread with hummus on, topped with a little bit of green Tabasco sauce. This was after my enlightening experience of going to Leeds Festival for my birthday when I was 12 and camping over the weekend, having eaten everything using a spork. 

That and eating any noodles or pasta with one of those spinning Pot Noodle forks.... good times. :-)

Looking back, I can realise why my mum definitely thought I was autistic. 

I'd love to know if anyone has any similar things that they liked/did that looking back you realise were signs you were autistic. 

  • I learned to read very early. I had problem speaking and processing spoken words. A school counsellor thought that I had childhood schizophrenia but thankfully my parents did not believe in psychology and ignored it. 

    I also matured sexually some years later than my peers. While my peers were chasing girls and ***, I still had no interest in sex. My peers called me "the monk" or used the f-word (it was permitted back then). I managed to develop normally, but only after some years.

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  • wasnt autism called childhood schizophrenia at one time?
    think someone on this site mentioned it before.

Reply Children
  • oh shut up. that's not something you should joke about.

  • wasnt autism called childhood schizophrenia at one time?
    think someone on this site mentioned it

    This is apparently true.

    My little boys therapist told me the reason she wanted to work and specialise in this field was because of how autistic individuals were treated and put into institutions as well. 
    She said it devastated her at the beginning of her career.

  • isnt the best test for schizophrenia whether you can see magical flying cats that talk to you none stop?

  • Back then, many mental health professionals had no idea about ASD and just diagnosed kids with childhood schizophrenia. I've seen what happened to them, they ended up completely addicted to happy pills by 12. Thinking about it. the childhood bullying and sensory issues were not so bad, I was the lucky one.

    In hindsight, there is a big overlap between symptoms of ASD and those of childhood schizophrenia. ASD was pretty much unknown, so the mental health professionals did what they could.

    By the way, I had myself tested for the schizophrenia as soon as I could. I would have suicided immediately if it came positive.