Things you did that looking back make your realise you were autistic

I was only recently diagnosed a few years ago, and I've been looking back and thinking about things I did when I was a child that were definitely signs of being on the spectrum. 

I went through a very intense phase of eating everything with a spork, especially one meal in particular - rye bread with hummus on, topped with a little bit of green Tabasco sauce. This was after my enlightening experience of going to Leeds Festival for my birthday when I was 12 and camping over the weekend, having eaten everything using a spork. 

That and eating any noodles or pasta with one of those spinning Pot Noodle forks.... good times. :-)

Looking back, I can realise why my mum definitely thought I was autistic. 

I'd love to know if anyone has any similar things that they liked/did that looking back you realise were signs you were autistic. 

  • never fitting in, being the isolated outcast. having anxiety in social situations that in places such as the time i attempted to go to a night club the noise lights and social stimulus cause me to involuntary shake and stutter as if i was cold but not cold, as if i was spiked with drugs but hadnt been.

    my lack of speaking verbally combined with perhaps a ecolalia of repeated phrases to break the awkward silences which becomes involuntary almost like tourettes, which was most obvious one in high school but yet no one gave a turd to look into it.

    oh and the one time someone told me im autistic, which i took offence to at the time thinking it was a insult but only later realising it wasnt a insult but a suggestion, which again shows a lack of understanding intent and immediately defensively thinking it was a attack or put down.

  • never fitting in, being the isolated outcast. having anxiety in social situations that in places such as the time i attempted to go to a night club the noise lights and social stimulus cause me to involuntary shake and stutter as if i was cold but not cold, as if i was spiked with drugs but hadnt been.

    my lack of speaking verbally combined with perhaps a ecolalia of repeated phrases to break the awkward silences which becomes involuntary almost like tourettes, which was most obvious one in high school but yet no one gave a turd to look into it.

    oh and the one time someone told me im autistic, which i took offence to at the time thinking it was a insult but only later realising it wasnt a insult but a suggestion, which again shows a lack of understanding intent and immediately defensively thinking it was a attack or put down.

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