Private diagnosis for autism - good experiences anyone?

Hi I'm in my 40s and relatively happy and have a good job - I don't desperately need to get my suspected autism diagnosed but I do feel it would be really helpful, both personally so I can manage relationships better and also for my career which hasn't been as stellar as I once hoped(!) 

Having a really successful project at work recently made me realise that I'm still capable of doing better things and I'd like to proceed with my next steps with more confidence about who am I and why I struggle with some things (i.e. that I'm not just 'rubbish with people'!).

My son is getting referred for an autism diagnosis too and I think if I understand myself better then I'll be able to help him more. He's 8 and struggles with some social aspects of life and some odd anxieties that we worry could hold him back (in the same way, but possibly worse than my experience of school/work).

Anyway, the point is, that I'd love to just go out and get a private diagnosis as quickly as possible but I've heard that some companies aren't trusted. Has anyone had a good experience, with good support etc, that didn't cost an absolute fortune please?! 

I really appreciate any comments and wish you all good progress with any issues you're having.

  • Yes, I had a good experience of private diagnosis. It was not as expensive as some, but still felt thorough and was online via video chat, which suited me. It was with Shropshire Autonomy, but their website seems to have changed a bit, but the email contact is still for Sara so you could email her and ask for info. She is very nice and we spoke for several hours, she is good at recognising autism in females, and mixed with ADHD, and the PDA profile. She doesn't do the actual diagnosis, that was a few weeks later and based on her report plus an hour or so discussing that with the official diagnosing expert who works for the NHS.