Don't you feel like it's all degrading

It seems like this newfound societal understanding of ASD started a couple of years ago. Even as recent as 10 years ago I really don't remember so many people calling someone(online or IRL) autistic, being on the spectrum etc. It's like everyone knows what it is now.

IMO therein lies a problem because it is used as an insult. It's not even a 'disability' for most of us(I don't even know if I should say we, I'm not diagnosed and feel like a lot of it doesn't apply to me, guess I'm extremely 'high functioning') but it is treated as such.

If this gets known about you in your friend circle? They're gonna start seeing and treating you differently. if it gets known at work? Forget about it. Anybody who can will use it against you since people only focus on the negative aspects of it and it's seen as debilitating.

Even the psychology behind it that's supposed to be so helpful has a tone like that IMO. I mean a term like "masking" for example. Like we're wearing masks trying to be "normal". I feel like a phony just reading about that aspect of ASD. I'm a freak for being something I can't control and I should try to be normal, yet when I try I'm "masking".

I just don't find the ASD relevation uplifting whatsoever and I honestly feel like life was better before this understanding. I wonder if anyone feels similar about this.

  • They're gonna start seeing and treating you differently. if it gets known at work?

    When I disclosed my diagnosis at work everybody started treating me like a poor r-word. Everyone made sure to talk to me in a soft and non-threatening tone. Managers only spoke with me via Teams or with a witness in the room. I think HR instructed them to do so to protect themselves from a lawsuit. I managed to get full WFH via Workplace Adjustment (equality act 2010), and everybody was happy. I will never disclose again.

  • i think it worked for me in my favour as i was being constantly attacked and dragged into the office and my supervisors tryna fire me all the time, but after fighting back and doing grievances and telling them half the stuff they try pull me on could be protected under autistic traits they eventually fucked off and are now picking another person to bully, which i see they are doing the same thing to that guy what they did to me, they give him file notes and disciplinaries every day and drag him in despite him being one of our good workers, they only seem to target the better workers to try bully out of here.

  • they only seem to target the better workers

    They are trying to kick the better workers out because they make them look bad to the management. Oldest trick in the book.

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