Relationship between autistic female and male.

Hi. I’m nearly 40 (adult diagnosed asd/adhd) and recently started dating an autistic male 35 (Anon)

I’m divorcing after being attached to an incompatible man for 20 years and Anon has basically shrugged off any emotional responsibilities with his family.

We shared some common interests and felt very strongly for each other very quickly doing them together.

We can’t see each other very often though and I have expressed that I missed him which he reacted very badly to and basically suggested that he wasn’t enough for me.

I reassured him that I’m fine to be apart and we seemed closer than before but we won’t be seeing each other for several days now and when I said I’d miss him he corrected me that we don’t do that. It was said kindly but I don’t understand.

If you don’t miss someone, then why do you see them again? 

If you’re happy without them then why seek them out?

I feel that there is a strong possibility that we will forget to think of each other at all and we are essentially over.

What I am asking is if an autistic male who forms attachments quickly and avoids emotional burdens is capable of this kind of emotionally detached relationship? Can he switch it on and off and on again?

I feel like on and off is what is going to happen.