Autistic? work and depression


I am 27,in the UK, currently on the waiting list for an assessment after having an ASD screening from an NHS physiatrist, I don't know how long the wait is going to be but for now I am struggling bad with  my mental health and this has now resulted in my contract at work being terminated because I have had to take so much time off due to this. I really struggle with socialising and emotions and sleep, which leads to a difficult work life, being exhausted and burnt out constantly. Now I have no job and am not in the right place mentally to look for a new one or hold onto one at the moment. I have tried to reach out to many services for support and have yet to receive any, most professionals are brushing me off and telling me to learn to live with it. 

Does anyone have any ideas of some decent support networks, people to contact, services, resources, etc?

Also how do you survive without a job, can you get DLA, UC, PIP?

still waiting for assessment/diagnosis 

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you 

  • Sorry mate, but you are out of luck. There is no support networks for adults with ASD.

    Try to get access to Clinical Partners via the Right to Choose scheme.

    Be prepared to fight for it. The waiting list is some months, but it is free and it's better than the 10 years long NHS list.

    Afterwards, you are screwed. There is no support available. You can ask for "workplace adjustments" like WFH, but you will need an official diagnosis for it. I would advise to do that AFTER you pass probation.

    You can ask the NHS for help, but they only provide useless CBT with untrained operators with no idea about ASD. The best you can get is some happy pills from your GP. He will be happy to prescribe some. Do not be surprised if they turn you into an obese, impotent, smiling zombie. They are also extremely addictive.

    Sorry if I do not sugar-coat it. I have been diagnosed one year ago, and I could not find any meaningful help. That's your life now.

  • It is bullshit. We should be allowed euthanasia.

Reply Children
  • I'm never sure when people are joking/being slightly sarcastic online, it's not always easy to tell, I'm one of the worst for it too.  I might be miles off... But the tone worried me a bit...

    Hopefully your not feeling low enough to be considering that, I've had those thoughts, it's a scary place to be. please remember there's always a reason to carry on and people who understand and will help if they can, even at times where it doesn't feel that way.