
Hi all, just wondering if anyone could offer any thoughts or advice.

I am 40 odd, have 3 young children, work from home a lot. 

I am aware I can be a bit off and socially out of place and say the wrong thing, don't we all.  I am normally quiet and reserved.  I have always been sensitive to noise, in particular the children are so noisy and the constant interruptions drive me nuts, I feel like I have bionic hearing, I can hear a pin drop and the noise one of my children makes when he cries makes me mad, the children stopping in a huff, running up the stairs, the whole house shakes, my wife blowing her nose, drives me mad and makes me really irritable.  Perhaps I am a bit autistic, one friend said to me I may be a high functioning autistic, I guess we are all on some scale but regardless even if I am, life doesn't change, what can I do to be less sensitive to noise.

Even at the gym, dropping of weights bothers me, I always bring ear plugs on travel, plane trips etc.

Thanks so much for your time.

  • I hear you. 

    My biggest and apparently rising issue is noise. 

    The best thing I've ever bought to help have been some high quality earphones with noice cancelation.

    Even without playing music, these shut the world right up and I couldn't advise you enough to get some. 

    Obviously there's a fair cost involved and while there are some available on a budget, they're not the same sadly. But I saved up and never regretted it. 

  • I hear you. 

    My biggest and apparently rising issue is noise. 

    The best thing I've ever bought to help have been some high quality earphones with noice cancelation.

    Even without playing music, these shut the world right up and I couldn't advise you enough to get some. 

    Obviously there's a fair cost involved and while there are some available on a budget, they're not the same sadly. But I saved up and never regretted it. 

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