
Hi all, just wondering if anyone could offer any thoughts or advice.

I am 40 odd, have 3 young children, work from home a lot. 

I am aware I can be a bit off and socially out of place and say the wrong thing, don't we all.  I am normally quiet and reserved.  I have always been sensitive to noise, in particular the children are so noisy and the constant interruptions drive me nuts, I feel like I have bionic hearing, I can hear a pin drop and the noise one of my children makes when he cries makes me mad, the children stopping in a huff, running up the stairs, the whole house shakes, my wife blowing her nose, drives me mad and makes me really irritable.  Perhaps I am a bit autistic, one friend said to me I may be a high functioning autistic, I guess we are all on some scale but regardless even if I am, life doesn't change, what can I do to be less sensitive to noise.

Even at the gym, dropping of weights bothers me, I always bring ear plugs on travel, plane trips etc.

Thanks so much for your time.

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