Do you have the things you want in life and are the things you want the things you need?

I've found that over the years I've let a lot of things fall away, including people, possessions, what I felt were needs but probably were just desires.

You may get to a certain point in life and think: well, here I am, this isn't where I thought I'd be when I was 16, but I'm surprisingly content with where I am and what I've got.

How I got to this point is a long story.

We all have a history, a life story.

Education, relationships, jobs, home - all milestones (or in some cases stones to fall over or block your way).

What do others feel about where they are now, how they got there and where they think they might want to go?

This will differ from generation to generation, I suspect.

  • I'm 26 and I feel, after everything I've gone through, I have more of a "long term" attitude.

    I.e. in terms of the people I keep around me, I have a vision of "these are the people I'd want to be in my life for a long time".

    I do feel I've missed a lot of opportunities, almost entirely because of a lack of confidence and self esteem (and support network). 

    It's a mix for me. In some respects I feel how I live now is healthier than it was, but there's a lot missing. 

  • I do feel I've missed a lot of opportunities, almost entirely because of a lack of confidence and self esteem (and support network). 

    Me too but .. now I'm not sure whether those lost  'opportunities' were right for me eg. a degree, a career,  parenthood, as there are areas of my personality/autism that make me singularly unsuited to them, especially the social aspect.

    I'm sorry though that you feel this way.

    You may be surprised in a few years time when you look back that you have a different perspective, which has happened to me a few times in life.

  • I think in some cases, there's opportunities I don't regret. I don't regret taking opportunities to work 12 hour days on a big film or something (having worked in TV).

    But there's other things which, now, I feel I would have enjoyed more.

    In my case it was a big life changing event that has changed things.

  • I think in some cases, there's opportunities I don't regret. I don't regret taking opportunities to work 12 hour days on a big film or something (having worked in TV).

    But there's other things which, now, I feel I would have enjoyed more.

    In my case it was a big life changing event that has changed things.
