Autism at Work

So the usual story. Manager being a pain winds me up, i go into the hole of retreating into a position i feel safe in mainly procedures rules and ways of working. This is seen as me being awkward and causing issues.

Managers response is to enforce rules rigidly and tell people its because of me. (like i'm going to be bothered as i'm more tolerated than liked anyway) That obviously causes a worse work situation which winds me up more so i retreat further.

Now the moron has tried to force me to break and accepted practice (sort of industry wide one) and when i refused without an email from him (as he has a habit of errr 'forgetting' he said to do something) I'm now on a disciplinary investigation for refusing a 'reasonable' management request.

Ignore that issues that have provoked the behaviour and put it as a disciplinary issue as opposed disability issue.

Sadly its been 6 years of essentially the same cycle. usually with HR only paying attention (the always ignore the OH report and i always have to point out they've ignored it) when i threaten to take it outside of the organisation.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if all Disciplinary/grievance hearings were dealt with by external HR consultants so there was no pre bias to anything.

Sadly tomorrow will be another meeting where essentially I'll have to sit with my finger on the button in order to protect myself from a repeated cycle of incompetence and idiocy.

  • Sounds like maybe the manager was trying to trap you in doing something 'wrong' that he can use against you.  Perhaps highlight that you feel he was trying to get you to do something wrong that he can then use against you.  Highlight that you did not refuse, you just wanted it in writing as it is not to industry standards and considering how strained things are, "I am suspicious that if i do the thing, he will report me for that and 'forget' that he asked me to do it".  I would also highlight that making this false report to HR when you didn't refuse and instruction is abusive and you want to put in a formal complaint against him for this improper use of the disciplinary process.

  • Possibly yes he is trying to 'trap me' and in the event I get back to terms of talking to him i'll challenge that idea. For now I'm communicating only via email as i refuse to be with him without a witness, which he apparently thinks is me being awkward again.

  • Possibly yes he is trying to 'trap me' and in the event I get back to terms of talking to him i'll challenge that idea. For now I'm communicating only via email as i refuse to be with him without a witness, which he apparently thinks is me being awkward again.

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