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Research Participation Invitation


I am Marina and I am an undergraduate Psychology and Child Development student at Staffordshire University.   

I am currently conducting my last year project. My study is looking at experiences of fathers of children diagnosed with autism. This project is a qualitative research which collects data during online interviews via Teams. The interviews last approximately 30 minutes.   

If you are a father of an individual diagnosed with ASD or know somebody who is, you are invited to take part in my study.   

[email removed by moderator]

Thank you,  


    1. Requests for research study subjects and surveys need to be directed to for data protection and research ethics reasons. Further information can be found on our research pages. Please be advised that any requests for research subjects or surveys posted on the Community will be deleted without warning.  
    1. Requests for research study subjects and surveys need to be directed to for data protection and research ethics reasons. Further information can be found on our research pages. Please be advised that any requests for research subjects or surveys posted on the Community will be deleted without warning.  
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