NHS refuse to assess me

Hi all,

I’ve known for years that I am autistic, possibly with adhd as well. I received a letter from the local team yesterday basically saying that because I speak too well, i don’t have ritualistic behaviours (I don’t in public thanks mum.) and I don’t have in depth interests and show too much emotion that they won’t assess me. 
Every test I’ve done alongside my doctor has shown a need for it, is there any way to appeal or even get back on the waiting list? 
They’ve based their decision on a 30 minute appointment where I was shoving everything down so hard out of habit and find it difficult to talk about the issues I have because they were always disregarded when I was younger.

tThey don’t see the meltdowns, they don’t see me struggling with conversation because people get annoyed when I can’t talk about anything but my interests because it’s all I think about, how I shut down when I get too stressed. 

i think I just needed to get this off my chest really. I’m fed up of being dismissed because I don’t act the way they want me to when I’m in public. That I had to learn to hide it because I’d get in trouble if I didn’t. I’m struggling big time right now and I just want to know if I’m being a baby over it. 

  • This thread in a nutshell explains why I was not outside banging saucepans on a thurdsay night during covid.

    If anyone was "brave" during covid it was the delivery drivers who got FAR more exposure to people opening door after door. 

    If anyone showed "character" is was those delivery drivers who day in day out did their jobs delivering our food, medicines, ebay&amazon tat, etc. With no recognition or special appreciation at all. 

    From what I can gather from some people who worked as nurses the hospitals were largely empty and quiet at the height of covid.

    What I do know first hand, becuase I was on the road nearly every day during the peak, is that every single ambulance I saw had it's lights flashing and sirens blaring. If they took to the road, it was an "emergency"! That, of course, was to condition YOU psychologically. They sure didn't NEED to have the sirens and lights on, as apart from me and a couple of taxis the roads were effing empty!

    Don't get me wrong, the concept of centralised healthcare is great, and when I was a kid the serice delivery was very good but now its morphed into some sort of "Authority" who's business is "complicated" and where you the patient and your healthcare needs are no longer the priority, merely the justification of a towering edifice of people who like money more than they ike practicing healing.  

    It's a system that breeds dependency, and prefers you to be a lifelong customer of the pharmaceutical industry rather than actually improving your own health. 

    And then there's "mental health"...  I watched them slowly poison a frend of mine over a period of several years with an overdose of "medicines" and to my eternal shame it wasn't unitl his deterioration had advanced to the point that he couldn't hold a conversation did I gain the courage (and certaintly as to what I was observing, and confidence in the deductions I was making) to intervene. Now after pressing them to review his medication, he has regained some of his power of speech again, and apparenlty the other effects are receding. The frightening part was teh lack of basic correct information that his "doctor" brought to the initial meeting. They hadn't even correctly recorded his living arrangements or martital status!! And as for bunging him on an emergency dose of meds "to keep him stable" whilst he was undergoing a life crisis NO ONE ever reduced his dose again!! (They used up a lot more expensive psychotropics though, so at least more money flowed though the system. 

    Pah. We get what we deserve I guess. Me, I would not have let them medicate me that much before refusing to comply. I am not overly inclined to defer to authority without asking a few questions and evaluating the answers I get first .

    Sadly, most of you are not wired that way, so the system we have does not actually incorporate much in the way of accountability TO US who pay for it. But they will set up expensive departments and committees to get the lies and fudging straight if you really complain as a group. That's your democracy in action.

    Pah. Again.

  • And let us not forget the tsunami of manipulated statistics used to justify the covid authoritarianism.  Deliberately including road traffic fatalities and other deaths that had NOTHING to do with covid in the covid figures in order to justify the massive power grab.  Sickening.  I now refuse even the flu vaccine. I do not trust these people as they are proven liars.

  • And let us not forget the tsunami of manipulated statistics used to justify the covid authoritarianism.  Deliberately including road traffic fatalities and other deaths that had NOTHING to do with covid in the covid figures in order to justify the massive power grab.  Sickening.  I now refuse even the flu vaccine. I do not trust these people as they are proven liars.

  • I was somewhat intimately involved in a small part of our governments response to Covid-19, and I saw more venial idiocy than actual evil.

    By and large the "decision makers" were simply incompetent, and it seems, quite ill informed.

    The monsters as you call them, stayed largely in the background, as far as John Q Public is concerned.

    As for "drinking bleach", no one was doing that, but an entire province in India stopped covid dead by scoffing ivermectin a medication used for amongst many other things, (it's considered a bit of a silver bullet in modern medicine apparently) deworming. 

    There were two sorts of Doctors during covid, those who until the "vaccine" arrived (In an unfeasibly quick timescale, but since it is known to have been patented before covid was even known, I suppose that isn't so surprising) Tried everything to save their patients with great sucess in some cases, and developed various effective protocols, but were curiously sidelined, ignored and in some cases when they didn't give it up as the fiasco developed persecuted. 

    Because IAIN, what you clearly do not know about corona viruses and vaccines is that you cannot effectvely vaccinate a population against a novel corona virus because the rate of mutation is too high.

    A fact that I have known and believed since I was a pre-teen, and which caused me to ask a few more questions before I let them bung whatever it was they wanted to push into my arm. 

    It was also clear as my entire "vaccinated" extended family succumbed to corona several times(!) that the "vaccine" was as ineffective as I expected it to be, and that my own strategy of avoiding both virus & vaccine was the superior strategy "for a person of my age and health type" (To paraphrase Albert Bourla's answer when asked why he was not vaccinated).

    Who's Albert Bourla? 

    One of your monsters, by the look of it...

    (editted for spelz and readibilty)

  • (well ignoring those drinking bleach and using worming tablets).

    And there we have the proof that you have been taken in by every single covid lie.   Go an look up the reality of those two cases, and maybe your eyes will start to open.... 

    I'm out, there is no point in this.

  • the point is ... THEY DIDN'T.

    Are you saying the vaccine does not work?

    pushing the vaccine on under 14s when it has been PROVEN that the vaccine was killing more children than covid is absolutely unforgiveable

    It isn't about a small chance of a child mortality, it was about removing the infection from the population pool to stop the vulnerable from getting the virus.

    Deliberately not allowing any form of treatment in order to MAXIMISE the number of deaths in order to push the vaccine as the only option was UNFORGIVABLE!

    What treatment was available early in the pandemic when this was happening in some environments? How could the NHS have done more to treat those with the virus than they did?

    I understand the idealism driving much of this reactionism but the real world is a very different place to what many would like to believe and hard decisions were taken in the heat of the pandemic with the best advice available (well ignoring those drinking bleach and using worming tablets).

    If they did the best they could then why should they apologise?

    Thinking of those making the decisions as a bunch of evil monsters hell bent on killing you all off seems more than stretch to me.

  • Trying to make those who came up with the solution have to apologise for what was effectively saving millions of lives seems unreasonable.

    the point is ... THEY DIDN'T.  Only if you blindly believe EVERYTHING word of propaganda could you say that.
    pushing the vaccine on under 14s when it has been PROVEN that the vaccine was killing more children than covid is absolutely unforgiveable.  mandating lockdowns when it had been PROVEN not to be effective was unforgivable.   Deliberately not allowing any form of treatment in order to MAXIMISE the number of deaths in order to push the vaccine as the only option was UNFORGIVABLE!

    Dear god.

  • Such abuse was only required because there was no evidence and in many cases,

    And in the cases where there is evidence for it being "relatively" safe and beneficial?

    Until they APOLOGISE and admit to why they abused the public, only a fool would trust anything they say.

    Are you really saying that medical specialists, the government and health organisations around the globe, when responding to a potentially massively lethal (to the old and the weak) virus should apologise for finding what seems to have been an effective global response?

    All vaccines by their nature have risks associated with them and those created in haste are probably going to be more risky than those which have been around for a very long time.

    I think the evidence of the benefit of lives saved versus those with side effects is overwhelming.

    Trying to make those who came up with the solution have to apologise for what was effectively saving millions of lives seems unreasonable.

    All that said, pretty much anything that comes out of the mouths of politicians from any party is something to be viewed with extreme suspicion, so my focus for information was the medical community and the doctors I know.

  • Speaking of covid abuses,  The abuse of 'you owe it to others' to coerce people into taking an experimental medicine ... Such abuse was only required because there was no evidence and in many cases, was against the available evidence.  Until they APOLOGISE and admit to why they abused the public, only a fool would trust anything they say.

  • I now refuse even the flu vaccine.

    Do you think this increases your chances of catching whatever virus you are not getting and becoming a vector to infect the more vulnerable around you?

    We are seeing this with measles amongst the young now.

    Just wondering what your view is on your responsibility to others.