Alcohol Cravings

Hi everyone, 

Hope you're all wel! I was diagnosed with autism in 2023 and they suspect I have ADHD too. I've been on anti depressants since I was 19 (24 now) and recently decided to finally become sober. Throughout university I used alcohol to cope and deal with feelings of lonliness and a lack of understanding as to why I didn't feel involved. 

The alcohol made me fun until my dependence went up and I lost friends/relationships/etc from my behaviour when under the influence. Its been a long time coming and I am so glad I have taken the powerful decision to stop, but the past few weeks I have been having massive cravings. Not bodily more just thinking about it a lot. I stood at the wine aisle in Tescos for about 20 minutes just thinking a few days ago and managed to leave without buying any. I am doing so so well, I have two jobs, I workout and I'm the most secure I've felt in my life, but I still feel the need for it! I have been burnout and in a depressive episode for a few weeks so I know that has a lot do with it, but waiting for it to pass seems like it's taking ages!

Any advice/similar experiences/supportive words would be much appreciated!!!

  • Hi there, I have a similar experience to you I still feel cravings for alcohol. It’s hard to stop drinking in my opinion. They make it addictive for a reason. I suppose it’s a cultural things as well here in the UK and Ireland it’s normal to go out and get tanked at the weekend. Autistic people seem to be more likely to abuse alcohol than neurotypical people. That’s is higher functioning autistic people because higher functioning autistic people at least have the mental facility to be able to go into a shop and ask for beer. Whereas if you were profoundly autistic you may not even have the ability to speak nevermind go to a shop and buy beer. But there is a connection there. I find once I drink my whole body relaxes and I feel at peace and at ease. But the next day I feel terrible and have panic attacks etc. So it’s not worth it for me. I guess it because I feel hyper aroused on a daily basis and it’s hard to relax I guess. Antidepressants are a bit hit and miss for me I am not sure mines actually do anything. It would be good for me to come off of them at some point because I don’t see the need to stay on them  if they don’t do anything. I’ll take my chances waiting for them to invent something else lol. Just keep at it your making the right decision not to drink. There’s certain supplements you can take like ashwaghanda and melatonin do t know if you’ve tried them but they may help.

  • I might check them out, thank you! I agree with everything you said regarding alcohol, it makes everything easier until the morning when you wake up! I used to get blackouts from drinkning as well so I would wake up in the morning with no clue what I had said/done the night before. It's not easy at all to be sober but for me it's 100% worth it.

  • I might check them out, thank you! I agree with everything you said regarding alcohol, it makes everything easier until the morning when you wake up! I used to get blackouts from drinkning as well so I would wake up in the morning with no clue what I had said/done the night before. It's not easy at all to be sober but for me it's 100% worth it.
