Military Husband and Autistic Wife

Hi there, we’re hunting for advice or anyone who’s been in a similar situation.

My wife is autistic and adhd, we’ve been married five years and it’s great wouldn’t change it for the world. I’ve been in the military for ten years now, we have two young children one of which is currently in nursery.

My wife has always struggled when I’m away, however she has managed my deployments before, the difference with my recent one was;

I haven’t been deployed for four years due to postings at training establishments,

The last time I deployed we didn’t have children.

Due to the four years of not being away for more then a week at a time my wife has developed a sort of separation anxiety. This has caused her to have at least one meltdown down a day if not more which has physically and mentally taken her out.

I was recently deployed however my wife found this extremely hard to the point that I had to be recalled back home. This isn’t an issue for myself as I just want her to be able to not have to struggle while I’m away.

Has anyone got any advice for where we can find help, any agencies (we are uk based) or any coping mechanisms that have worked for you in a similar situation?

Thank you in advance.

  • This is a knotty problem. The ideal soultion seems to be a change in career that keeps you in the U.K. and closer to home.

    I've got the same combo, and no matter how good a character your missus has, she'll need a bit of emergency support from time to time. 

    The military and your superiors may well be faced with either losing your services, or accomodating yours and your families needs. 

    If you can get yourself promoted to genral officer level the problem should sort itself out . ;c)