Public transport in this country needs to be better

A lot of things would be better if people knew they could use public transport when they needed it at a convenient price. Not everyone is able to drive and cars are expensive to run. Economies of scale mean that the more people you put on one vehicle the more cost efficient it is. That isn't to say nobody should own cars, some people need them. However, a lot of people do not need, at least they don't if there was a good public transport system in place. Personally I would create a 24 hour system. It would cost more initially but I think the benefits in the long term would far outweigh those costs and besides if a 24 hour system with regular times was put in place a lot of the money people spend on cars could then be rerouted to funding the public transport system through taxation.

  • Agree with the above. It would be beneficial to a lot of people if it worked like that and would mean less cars on the road if they ran 24 hours to the right places.

    A few years back a 'super' hospital was built in my town and since then all 4 bus routes have been closed and a lot of people can't get to this hospital anymore.

    The school bus has been stopped as well. My last year of school my parents took me as the bus was axed.

  • Public transport is an essential public service, that needs to run on a 24 hour basis, in big cities and rural areas alike - trade unions in the public transport sector are way too powerful and where strikes and industrial actions do happen, because of the kind of disruption it causes, trade union leaders must face criminal charges under the criminal law, striking and taking industrial action must become illegal and must be dealt with under the criminal law 

  • Public transport is an essential public service, that needs to run on a 24 hour basis, in big cities and rural areas alike - trade unions in the public transport sector are way too powerful and where strikes and industrial actions do happen, because of the kind of disruption it causes, trade union leaders must face criminal charges under the criminal law, striking and taking industrial action must become illegal and must be dealt with under the criminal law 

  • What absolute nonsense. Striking is a democratic right and fully justified in this position. Public transport in the UK is in such a horrible mess thanks to privatisation, yet another catastrophic failure of the avarice behind Conservative ideology. Savage underfunding and mismanagement has got us here and it's all down to the Tories, once again.

    It's your ultra-conservative ideals again, dear, causing all the problems. But just deny reality, why not eh? Truss is doing it right now anyway, follow the (former) leader.

    She's been in the US spreading far-right conspiracy theories blaming the left for her disastrous run as prime minister.

    When in reality, what happened was her chancellor presented a budget of £45bn in unfunded tax cuts, which unleashed economic chaos, sent interest rates soaring, caused people to pay more for their mortgages, and almost crashed the whole UK into a different dimension. Good old traditional Conservatism!