Which Famous People Have You Met?

Following on from 's Amazing Experience discussion, I thought that I'd start a discussion specifically around what famous people you have met.

I have quite a lot of famous people over my 50+ years, here's some of them.

Sir Patrick Moore (TV astrologer)
Whilst living in Cyprus in the1970's (dad was in the forces), Patrick Moore visited the  island.
We were doing a space project at school and Patrick came to talk to our class.
I can vividly remember to this day Patrick Moore sat on one of the junior school tables, talking to us.

Sir Bobby Robson (Former England football manager)
I was in Amsterdam on a work training course with a colleague in 2000 which was the year that the Euro's (football tournament) was being co-hosted by the Netherlands and Belgium.
One evening after a hard day in the office we returned to our hotel. As the doors of the elevator opened, there stood a gentleman that looked kind f familiar.
It took a couple of seconds for the penny to drop before I realised who it was and said "Bobby Robson!" and shook his hand.
My colleague blurts out "what are you doing here?", to which Bobby replied, quick as a snap "I've come for the skiing" LOL
He was involved with the TV coverage and apparently Glen Hoddle and other football pundits were staying at the same hotel.

Marillion (1980's prog rock band)
As a teenager I was a massive fan of Marillion - especially as they were a local band.
At various times during my younger teenage years I was fortunate to meet all but 1 of the band members.
I found out where a couple of them lived and went with album cover in hand to know on their doors. Both were more than happy to sign the covers.
In fact, one of them even invited me into his house.
Over the years I have bumped into the bass player - usually in Tesco's or more recently The Range.
I always say hi, shake his hand and have a quick chat about things.
I think that he recognised me in The Range as we passed each other and both stopped, turned around and started chatting (he was off to Canada with the band the next day).

I also met the lead singer "Fish" in a pub whilst I was doing the music for my dad's office department Xmas party.
I was setting up the record players and put on my newly acquired 12" single of Marillion's latest song.
Soon after, the pub landlord comes up to me in the function room at the back of the pub and says "That's Marillion's new song? If you come to the front of the pub, you can meet Fish"
OMFG - My hero, my god, my inspiration was just sat there at the bar drinking alone! He was more than happy to sign the cover and wish me a Happy Christmas.
I was far too starstruck to say much - if I has of been older, I could have bought him a drink! 

That's just a few that I have met - will post more if there is interest.

So, who have you met? What were the circumstances? Were they happy to talk?

  • I met Terry Wogan twice, he was a really nice person. The leader of The Togs, his first name was actually Michael.  I also met Tom Baker at our local bookshop, he wore his Doctor’s scarf, I also met Patrick Troughton, I was doing some work in his house and wasn’t told who he was until afterwards.

    I spent a couple of days at David Cassidy’s ranch in California, my relation was his children’s nanny so I got to explore the place on my own  and meet him.

  • That's awesome. Favourite I would love to meet is Tom Baker - he's so charming and eccentric - I would love to meet him! I love how in public he is so Doctor... He's definitely on my list of people to meet someday.

  • Due to faceblindness I have met many famous people and not known who they are. Means that I treat everyone the same unless their individual attitude displayed towards me is lacking in good character ans respect. Why I met two newscasters within months of each other as part of my job I was in, and the one was followed round with a whole film crew who attended to his every need but his attitude towards me was lacking so I walked off and let them carry on and they had no help from me!

    The other from another TV company (Actually two TV companies depemding on if one could speak Welsh or not) who had to do everything hi!self from hoding his own camera to interviewing the people and encouraging them to relax and be at ease, and he was absolutely brilliant, and we had lovely chats with him when he could do no further filming while on my train. (Was a rainy day and his lens eventually misted up!) 

    What I am saying is that just because someone is famous, does not mean they conduct themselves in real life in a righteous way. 

    I do understand the best of people can have off days, and I respect that. 

    I do not regard fame as any different to not having fame, as I look deeper than that to see who the people really are. 

    I have not knowingly spoken to and entertained people in the highest and lowest positions in society due to faceblindness, and I can honestly say there are good and bad in all walks of society. Some homeless have the kindest hearts who would willingly share all they have to help others. Other homeless I have seen are of bad character.

    But the same I have seen with those at the very top be they famous or not. Some are so kind and generous that I could just want to be with them for always and would feel guilty as I could never give anything back!  Others I would walk away from and go no where near because of their nasty attitudes towards others!  

    (I realize we all get good and bad moments so one can judge wrong on occasions). 

    I do not look at fame because having faceblind moments when I may recognize a few but other obviously famous people may puzzle why I may not have a clue who they are! I could walk past our Royal Family and probably not notice unless they had some noricable feature such as an unusually posh car or be followed by security which gives the game away as to who they are! (I actually knew when someone important was coming by the odd behaviour and odd clothes their special security individuals have or display in "Trying to fit in" and I would notice them as I see patterns, but may miss the important person even if they came up to me and said "Hello!"  It is patterns and odd patterns that stand out a mile that I pick up on! Such as someone pretending to be a fisherman or a farmer when they are not.

     I think it has something to do with faceblindness or autism.

  • Due to faceblindness I have met many famous people and not known who they are. Means that I treat everyone the same unless their individual attitude displayed towards me is lacking in good character ans respect. Why I met two newscasters within months of each other as part of my job I was in, and the one was followed round with a whole film crew who attended to his every need but his attitude towards me was lacking so I walked off and let them carry on and they had no help from me!

    The other from another TV company (Actually two TV companies depemding on if one could speak Welsh or not) who had to do everything hi!self from hoding his own camera to interviewing the people and encouraging them to relax and be at ease, and he was absolutely brilliant, and we had lovely chats with him when he could do no further filming while on my train. (Was a rainy day and his lens eventually misted up!) 

    What I am saying is that just because someone is famous, does not mean they conduct themselves in real life in a righteous way. 

    I do understand the best of people can have off days, and I respect that. 

    I do not regard fame as any different to not having fame, as I look deeper than that to see who the people really are. 

    I have not knowingly spoken to and entertained people in the highest and lowest positions in society due to faceblindness, and I can honestly say there are good and bad in all walks of society. Some homeless have the kindest hearts who would willingly share all they have to help others. Other homeless I have seen are of bad character.

    But the same I have seen with those at the very top be they famous or not. Some are so kind and generous that I could just want to be with them for always and would feel guilty as I could never give anything back!  Others I would walk away from and go no where near because of their nasty attitudes towards others!  

    (I realize we all get good and bad moments so one can judge wrong on occasions). 

    I do not look at fame because having faceblind moments when I may recognize a few but other obviously famous people may puzzle why I may not have a clue who they are! I could walk past our Royal Family and probably not notice unless they had some noricable feature such as an unusually posh car or be followed by security which gives the game away as to who they are! (I actually knew when someone important was coming by the odd behaviour and odd clothes their special security individuals have or display in "Trying to fit in" and I would notice them as I see patterns, but may miss the important person even if they came up to me and said "Hello!"  It is patterns and odd patterns that stand out a mile that I pick up on! Such as someone pretending to be a fisherman or a farmer when they are not.

     I think it has something to do with faceblindness or autism.
