Why are you like this

You say I am broken, and you think I shouldn't be like this. I know you want to change me because you spend so much money trying to make me appear and think normally. But are you sure you know what normal is. You say that people like me are few and you think that gives you justification to say I am not normal, but I have watched you and I have seen how you act, and I see some of those traits you dislike in me reflected in your actions.

You say that you have more interests than I do and that I don't take change very and I prefer routine. But you are exactly the same, I have seen you shy away from developing technology's, you cant deny this because I have watched you implement ways to regulate, control and slow down its development. For evidence I only need to see the way that you have pushed roadblocks in front of space X, electric vehicles, AI, computers. This proves that you are hypocritical and inconsistent because the development of new technologies requires a mind that isn't distracted by the boring bits. I also know that its my imagination you are scared of, because my creations come from there and accepting change is uncomfortable for you, and that's something you fail to grasp. Wow does this mean we both have issues with change.

You say I am not good at sensory processing because I have extreme sensitivities and I can be overly and or under-sensitive but I can tell you that I excel in the arts, Have you ever looked at the detail of my paintings, the depth of my expressions, even though you say I don't understand emotions. Those extreme sensitivities show me more about life than you can even imagine, I see your actions and expressions every time you are faced with challenges and I can add to them and create more emotion in my imagination than you can even conceive. and I can tell you that if you deny this then you are being illogical. you are not in my mind you can not see what I see.

You say I don't understand the unwritten social rules, well those rules include lying and cheating, which means I have to analyse every word. you confuse me with your social cues and innuendoes not to mention the times I have caught your mistruths. Honestly the only real difference I see between us is that I am more sensitive than you are and that includes my morals, I don't just see your pain, I feel it and I would never take advantage of it. besides this your the one that never makes an effort to understand or listen to me. So yes, I am frustrated.

Yes I know I am different to you, but I also know the person standing beside me is different to both of us. I don't need you to tell me that because that its one of those unwritten rules, right.

Let me ask you a question, do you know what a theory is? As Darwin Said: (A supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.)

Do you know what a theory is not?

Its not a fact, its an idea proposed by hopefully an educated person, but it has to be supported by real facts. In the past however theories have changed. For instance theories proposed by Aristotle were replaced by Newtons laws now Newtonian Physics is being replaced by Einstein's equations. this doesn't mean the former laws were wrong. It means some facts failed and our perspectives have changed.

So tell me. Why are you trying to cure me? If you want to help me live in your world ok, I can accept that. I have spent my whole life trying to understand you, but why don't you try to understand me as well.

If you do succeed in eliminating me what would become of this world, this race. When I think about it I see is a world of conformed people or maybe even robots. People that are just carbon copy brains with no intuition, no dreams, ones that receive instructions and act on them with no original thought of their own.

  • Interesting piece of musing there sir.

    I do feel compelled to rush to the defence of our NT brethren, some of whom are undoubtedly able to think, dream, achieve original thought and generally do some amazing things....these are not the preserve of autists, even if we are arguably more prone to these things....in my opinion.

    I'm not a fan of fanning the flames of frivolous tribalisation.

    Perhaps, it would be good if you could confirm whether this is an "open letter to the world" or was composed with "someone" in mind.

  • what activated me is the idea they are working on a cure

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