What’s your favourite dog breed?

Hi this is for all you dog lovers out there what’s your favourite dog breed and why? 
Me I loved staffs and I have a soft spot for the hilly XLs the reason is for staffs their proper dogs and their a nice size as well not too big not too small plus their great with children. For the bully XLs they are seriously misunderstood and again the ones I’ve met have been super friendly and the owners are absolutely genuine as well no cropped ears and well trained dogs. 

  • Spaniels, of many shapes and sizes, generally not king charles cavallier though.

    They are the best mix of brains and affection I have come across yet, and if you exercise them enough their hyperness is absolutely harnessable. Incredibly intelligent.

    I also love collies, again very very bright dogs, but they're even harder to stimulate than spaniels so you need to be ready to exercise both their body and mind if you want a collie that isn't neurotic

  • With you on both counts! 

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