ADHD and autism


I've recently been diagnosed with ADHD and autism after a mental breakdown. My life just feels like the two are constantly 'fighting' each other. I am just wondering how other people are coping if they are in the same situation.

I really struggle with anxiety and depression from a young age I'm now 37

Any advice would be appreciated 

  • I'm waiting for my assessment, hopefully it happens some day.  While Autism has not helped my life, I suspect I have ADD and that has pretty much destroyed it.  I have no attention span, my mind flits between multiple things, I never get anything done and I avoid doing things like crazy. I do crazy stuff and have no clue why, my impulse control is very bad especially around money and food.  I am told these are all big red indicators of ADD/ADHD.

    My GP asked me what i wanted from an ADHD assessment and I honestly said a single white pill.  That pill that allows me to get things done, gives me focus.  I know they work already, I had exposure to one of them at University and that pill got me through my second year assignments. Normally i would get assignments and procrastinate, to the point I had maybe ten assignments due, but if I sat down to do them I would be spend one hour doing them and five hours thinking about other things.  I had to redo assignments through the summer and retake exams. 

    The next year a housemate gifted me something that changed a year of my life for the better.  I went from scraping 40% scores on my first year to 70-80% on the second year.  That tells me something is very wrong.  For a normal person well I know what it does to them.  Think raves and craziness.  But for me it's pure unadulterated focus and the ability to get things done, things that I normally can't get done.  A couple of years back I built a camper van, it took me six months.  With that pill, it would have taken me six days.

    A guy I know has the same problems as me and he got his diagnosis and his pharmaceuticals, he now works for the NHS and has held down a job for two years and has in his own words, more focus and attention to detail than in his whole life up to that point.  That's what I want, but not everyday.  I don't want a crutch.  I want a selective problem solver that I can use on days when I need to achieve stuff.  Not every day requires that level of focus.  I believe in using things only when required.  If my task for the day doesn't require 100% focus and mental clarity, then why use something that achieves that.

    Sorry, long post.  I'm actually considering asking my GP to invoke Right to Choose to get mine done sooner rather than later, so I have access to it when it will make a real difference and not when I've retired and it won't.

  • I’ve just done Right to choose for my son. My Gp had never heard of it so I had to educate him and print off all the info but we got there in the end . 

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