Where Do You Want Autism Funding To Go?

Here's a video I made about The Autism Investor Summit 


Parents Reply
  • That’s cool. I respect your opinion. Yes autism happens in females just as much as males in my opinion. I agree with you there. My mum has ASD in my opinion but she was also kind of abusive and I don’t talk to her anymore because she was toxic. I will never talk to her again. I don’t want her in my life even if she is autistic it doesn’t make up for everything she did to me. She really messed me up she is psychotic and manipulative. I know people on here have spoken about Bruno Bettelheim and refrigerator mothers before. But my mum was definetly a refrigerator mother she never showed me love or affection. She is evil and sick in my opinion. I blame her for my autism 100%. 
