How do you cope?

I’m a recently diagnosed adult woman and was wondering what people find helps them cope the best? I’m just trying to make adjustments in my life as I’m learning more about how I struggle. Just want to see how people may cope with social communication, sensory issues, routine/changes. Etc. Any suggestions would be welcome as I’m finding it difficult to put adjustments and tools in place after going without them for years.

  • Since diagnosis I haven't changed how I behave much, I am just kinder to myself. I do not force myself to attend social events that I suspect I would be uncomfortable at, excepting things like weddings and suchlike, where I think attending is socially unavoidable. I also try to build in 'alone time' after social events in order to recover. As for sensory issues, I just try to avoid my triggers when possible. If someone's perfume is making me feel ill, I get away. I walk down side streets to avoid crowds and at all costs I avoid touching nylon fabric, which is my most potent sensory trigger.

  • I find the smell of other peoples perfume incredibly unpleasant too - it seems so strong to me even just walking by people outside - but my husband often says he can’t smell it at all. 

  • I can't go anywhere near Lush. Why can't I get a shower spay etc. without perfume. Tired face 

Reply Children
  • I can sense when I’m even nearing a Lush shop, every skin product I use has to be perfume and alcohol free, otherwise my skin will actually start weeping and bleeding. Martins mention of nylon is another sensory hell, when I was a child there was a big fabric company called Bentford Nylons everything was nylon, bed sheets, t-shirts ,shirts and curtains. My mother soon realised that I couldn’t even stand still in a nylon shirt.

  • I’m ok with more natural scents that I actually like - such as essential oils like lavender, or mandarin for example. In fact I really like those. It’s the strong artificial smells that I can’t stand.