
Can you explain what stimming is in a simple way?

I don't know if I stim

I know I make a noise with my breathing through my nose, but I don't know why I do it. 

When I'm in bed I like to rub my foot on the sheets. I know this makes me relax and calms me. Is that a stim?

I used to suck my thumb and touch a cold pillow with the back of my hand when I was a child. I know this relaxed me when I was younger

What else could me a stim? 

  • Stimming is an awesome part of autism! Slight smile It can bring you a lot of happiness and fun. 

    Stimming for me is flapping my hands, rocking back and forth, walking on tiptoe, humming and visual stimming is looking at light though this one involves the sun and is a bit of an unhealthy stim for me. It's caused me solar retinopathy in both eyes unfortunately but the others bring me a lot of happiness and comfort.

  • Stimming is an awesome part of autism! Slight smile It can bring you a lot of happiness and fun. 

    Stimming for me is flapping my hands, rocking back and forth, walking on tiptoe, humming and visual stimming is looking at light though this one involves the sun and is a bit of an unhealthy stim for me. It's caused me solar retinopathy in both eyes unfortunately but the others bring me a lot of happiness and comfort.

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