
Can you explain what stimming is in a simple way?

I don't know if I stim

I know I make a noise with my breathing through my nose, but I don't know why I do it. 

When I'm in bed I like to rub my foot on the sheets. I know this makes me relax and calms me. Is that a stim?

I used to suck my thumb and touch a cold pillow with the back of my hand when I was a child. I know this relaxed me when I was younger

What else could me a stim? 

Parents Reply
  • I knew about stimming, but not about smells being a stim. In the summer, at night, I like to open the back door and smell the summer air. Every now and then it smells just right. Perfect even.

    I have some leather items that I have had for years, which still have that leather smell, which I love to smell. Books are a favourite too. Old or New, it doesn't matter. 

    For methough, nothing beats the smell of summer.
