Who would you share a prison cell with

Hi everyone another fun discussion for you today who would you share a prison cell with i will give you three choices and you can only pick one and then explain your choice. 

1. Hannibal Lector but he is wearing a protective mask to stop him from biting you but he still wants to eat you.

2. Charles Bronson the most violent person in the U.K. but hasn’t murdered anyone but is not getting on in age.

3. The kray twins both are on strong medication but they could still turn violent. 

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  • technically, we are all inside our own prisons no matter where we go in life. our prison is our mind. our mind that constantly refuses to be happy and reject our lives and circumstances. so we are all in our own prisons of our minds. if you have control of your mind and accept your situation in life then you are never in prison even if someone locks you up you shall always be free if you accept it and are happy in your mind.

    there can be people more free and happy in prison than what people outside it are. it all depends on your mindset and contentment.

  • Two years ago, they were seriously talking about putting the unvaccinated in special camps and even actually did that in Australia...

    Simply staying indoors and taking the measures required to not contract an airbourne respiratory virus was not enough, apparently I HAD to take an experimental gene therapy, marketted through clever use of words as a "vaccine" which I knew was highly unlikely to be effective, and not taking it seemed to make me, for a while, an "enemy of society"!

    You remember those times if you were unvaccinated, it was a very paranoia inducing time..

    When clever doctors found alternative treatments that worked seemingly very well, the very mention of certain drugs would get your private youtoobes censored!!

    From my perspective, briefly society went bonkers, ignored the sage advice of the guys who invented the Rna tech and Pcr tests and did increasingly weird things until (thank god) Omnichron came along and wiped away the dangerous variants virtually overnght, whilst highlighting the unsuitabily for purpose of the "jabs" Then there was no more talk of "camps for the unvaccinated", and "normality" came back.


    I've made a dilletante level study of political repression, of all types, and liivng a good clean life is not always enough to keep you off someone's list...

    Most people actually in prison didn't want to ever go to prison and not all of them ever expected to.

    For example: I don't think Gonzalo Lira ever expected to die in prison in a suposedly democratic country simply for writing a weblog of his thoughts and opinions... 

    Food for thought?