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Would you prefer our online community to be an open or closed forum?

Hello online community users,  

We would like to know if you would prefer our online community to be an open or closed forum. 

The online community is currently an open forum. This means people without an online community account can: 

  • browse threads and comments published by members; 
  • search the online community.  

A closed community would not be open to the public and only members would be able to read and search threads.  

*Please log into the online community to vote* 


  • When I decided to become a member, I did so because the open forums had enabled me to get a feel for the place. If it had been a closed forum, I think it would have put me off.

    However, whilst I have voted for an open forum, I do feel there is a need for the Community to include a 'members only' area.

    In addition, I believe the registration process should include CAPTCHA. Currently, the software used by NAS to filter out the bots doesn't appear to be effective at spotting them.

    I'm going somewhat off-topic now, but I also think that when new members have completed the registration process, they should automatically be redirected to the Community Rules page. Unless they have confirmed that they have read and understood the rules, they will be prevented from posting on the forum. This would save the Mods from having to lock or remove posts from researchers who had failed to read the Rules. It would also help to reduce the time the Mods spend removing personally identifiable information from posts.

  • When I decided to become a member, I did so because the open forums had enabled me to get a feel for the place. If it had been a closed forum, I think it would have put me off.

    However, whilst I have voted for an open forum, I do feel there is a need for the Community to include a 'members only' area.

    In addition, I believe the registration process should include CAPTCHA. Currently, the software used by NAS to filter out the bots doesn't appear to be effective at spotting them.

    I'm going somewhat off-topic now, but I also think that when new members have completed the registration process, they should automatically be redirected to the Community Rules page. Unless they have confirmed that they have read and understood the rules, they will be prevented from posting on the forum. This would save the Mods from having to lock or remove posts from researchers who had failed to read the Rules. It would also help to reduce the time the Mods spend removing personally identifiable information from posts.

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