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Would you prefer our online community to be an open or closed forum?

Hello online community users,  

We would like to know if you would prefer our online community to be an open or closed forum. 

The online community is currently an open forum. This means people without an online community account can: 

  • browse threads and comments published by members; 
  • search the online community.  

A closed community would not be open to the public and only members would be able to read and search threads.  

*Please log into the online community to vote* 


  • I think an open forum will be better. It allows newbies like me to lurk first to see what it's like before and helps to decide if it's worth joining or not - which in my case I thought it was. Hi! 

  • I think an open forum will be better. It allows newbies like me to lurk first to see what it's like before and helps to decide if it's worth joining or not - which in my case I thought it was. Hi! 
