Dominant and Submissive Equity Equality?

In relationships there are always different dynamics which either make it work or not make it work, we also have modern concepts and loads of different types of family setups with modern day society but it got me thinking how can you insure equality/equity and fairness within a friendship marriage or relationship if it’s based on dominant and submissive?

How can dominant and submissive be equity and equality? Or if one person is oppressed into being the submissive or bullied to be submissive? That is not equality or equity and your never have fairness?

All the time it’s dominant and submissive that isn’t equality your have a inequality not fairness?

My mum and dad had a good relationship based on equality, love and understanding, eqaul.

Also some peoples views on what love is or their perspective of what love is is warped as mentioned in the dating with disabilities peice. Love and sex are two different things, In any relationship it should be equal be it a marriage friendship or acquaintance.

  • from my understanding in a dom/sub relationship both sides agree and the submissive actually wants to be submissive or treated in a weird way like that...

  • That’s is weird if that is the case, I had a stalker hacker, but it kept calling me the sub? It got me thinking how is that eqaulity or equity if the relationship is based on hierarchy your never had equity or equality? It would be inequality?

    1. Dominant

    Dominant personality types are goal-oriented, decisive, and competitive. They care more about results than personal relationships. They might not send you a holiday card, but if you deliver on your commitments, you’ll maintain a healthy business relationship. Dominants care deeply about the bottom line.

    People with dominant personality types are also relatively impatient and controlling. They want information — fast — so they can make a decision and move on.

    1. Submissive

    Those with a submissive personality type love data, facts, and figures. As no-nonsense people, they’ll look past a flowery pitch and get straight to the facts. Be prepared to field a lot of detailed questions possible at arm’s length prior to any face to face meeting.

    Submissives stick to their deadlines, but they do not make decisions quickly. They care about thoroughly vetting and understanding the options available to them, and won’t jump the gun on a decision. They are more logical and cautious than any other personality type — but once they make a decision, they won’t reverse it

    Submissive personality traits:

    Submissives are concerned with facts rather than emotion, and won’t spend time getting to know you on a personal level. In conversation, submissives are serious, direct, and formal and often like to be dealt with at arm’s length.

  • I do not recognise the traits as being related to dominance and submissiveness, to me they suggest 'being  a sociopathic git' and 'being a scientist', respectively.

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