Bullying in Gyms Public Sector Equality Duty

I use to do (a lot) of fitness sadly due to having a stalker I'm deciding and in the process of selling my gym and dismantling it.

Gyms can be good places to workout and getting in shape for relieving stress and the woes of the day, but they can also be a pressure cooker for bad behaviour and bullying. I’ve been to lots of gyms some good some bad and been called some really nasty things whilst in gyms.

One trainer said “Why don’t you just go home” because I wasn’t putting in 100% effort.

I was in one gym and I left my towel for a couple of seconds on a piece of gym equipment I went to get the spray bottle and disinfectant came back to find this old fat man sitting sweating on my towel. I said “you’re on my towel” he couldn’t care less just carried on we had a confrontation settled it but actually became good friends through the incident. 

On another occasion gossip, gossip is another thing to be wary of and avoid when in gyms, it takes off like wildfire, it makes you paranoid as well, that people are saying things about you, at this stage I wasn’t diagnosed with autism. I knew things were being said about me so I did a subject access request it highlighted what was being said about me, me my mum and dad went in to speak to someone about it they witnessed the gossip just as we walking in the centre/building.

In another gym it got worse some of the things they said including “had I thought about killing myself”, and “in walks the devil?” It was shocking, most is covered by public sector equality duty to be treated equally and fairly. 

To this day one of the gyms won’t allow me into their premises I didn’t know at the time I had autism even explaining I have autism they still won’t talk or correspond even sending a Christmas card? 

Steroid use needs highlighting as well it’s a nasty seedy side to fitness. 

Public sector equality duty covers gyms in regards fairness and equality and anti bullying policies also GDPR as well in regards data rights. 


  • I go to a gym to workout, not to interact with others.  I put on my headphones the second I enter and remove them the second I leave.

    So all the stuff you highlighted exists, but I'm not there to engage in any of that, I go there to workout.  I don't go there to spend most of my session on facebook or instagram, nor to talk constantly to others, nor gossip,  I go there to get a sweat on and when I've had enough I go.

    Why do people go to gyms hoping to interact with others.  It's not a social club.  Go there, work out, move on.  Generally you go to a gym and you only find mentally and physically damaged people.  I know, because I'm one of them.  If you want sanity, they aren't great places.  They are generally full of people who dislike themselves or have an overinflated sense of themselves.  If you can separate that out and just do your own thing, they are great places.  Thankfully i was gifted with ND superpowers that allow me to ignore pretty much anything I want to and concentrate on what i want to.  That is the only way to survive gyms.

  • Thanks I’ve had some really really nasty experiences from gyms and on cctv shocking many thanks 

  • Actually public sector equality duty would generally only apply if the gym was run by a goverment body or an orgonisation strongly associated with the goverment. So a gym run by your local council, say in a council lesure center would be covered by PSED and a gym in a university or state funded school probably would be too. Gyms in general are not covered by PSED but they are covered by anti discrimination law (as are gyms run by your council and university). PSED is a very spicific requirment for the goverment to plan and orgonise things in a way that activly promotes equality. Laws against discrimination are much broader in scope and aplication.