Remote jobs from home - suggestions appreciated


My partner has been working in factories on and off for some time but at Christmas was let go with no warning (zero hour contract). This has really affected his confidence, he was anxious being around others before but feels even worse now and does not want to return to a job of being around others.

He is really keen for a job from home doing data entry, transcribing or customer service but has applied to so many jobs and had no responses (he has experience in administration)

He is waiting for an autism diagnosis and explained this to the job centre who are not sympathetic at all.Just wondered, does anyone know of any companies or agencies who specialise in remote work? 

He is waiting for an autism diagnosis and explained this to the job centre who are not sympathetic at all and he feels so alone and unsupported :( 

Advice would be appreciated x

  • Hi there. I've worked remotely in various jobs, I'm freelancing in copywriting right now with also a part-time role I've started recently in-office. It's a good blend, but he'd need to get some experience for that.

    the job centre who are not sympathetic at all

    Yes, that's no surprise at all. This is Tory Britain, all our overlords expect from the proles is to slave away to fund their lifestyle of sleaze and corruption. They've also been circulating anti-WFH propaganda over the last year, so now is a bad time to be trying to get a remote job. Most businesses have moved away from that.

    However, he may be able to get a hybrid role. My immediate suggestion would be to look for a data entry clerk role (as you've flagged up). There are a fair few of those around and some are hybrid/remote.

    The good news is the Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023 should come into effect in 2024. At which point employees have more rights to request flexible working.

    But the full effects of that will be some time off. Best of luck with the search.

  • Hello, thank you so much for the information and advice, its really helpful.

    1. Could I ask if you work with a specific agency doing copyrighting? 
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