Light sensitives- how are you coping this winter?

It's either wrap up warm and spend time outside or Wetherspoons. I'm particularly bummed out about libraries. I love libraries but every single one is kitted out with flourescent lights and in the winter even the ones with big windows and natural light have them on all day. My county has an access scheme where if you can't access libraries a volunteer can select books for you and bring them to your house. So I'm going to sign up for this. I still can't access research materials I need to be in the actual library to access, but it might help with the isolation. Apparently they often stick around for a cup of tea and a chat.

It makes me feel like I want to go on holiday somewhere where the libraries have autistic friendly design but I'm not sure if there is a single one that exists yet? The best libraries I ever went to are in Denmark but they still have florescent lights.

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    It's frustrating enough to have to wear ear plugs everywhere - electric cars, scooters, buses and their high pitched buzzing, lights buzzing, hand dryers at 124dB, crosswalks, screeching breaks, rails and so on. 

    A world without any natural heat-source based light in the evening sends me home where I temper the warm and properly dispersed LEDs with Halogen for a full-spectrum of natural light. 

    Car lights fitted with xenon/laser lights are supposed to be illegal and shrugged off if they're imported. The strobe lights at the Pret counter, on bicycles, in shops when they're flickering a death knell, beams from cars who are just stopped on the side of the road, the lasers fitted on footpaths, the half orb in the ceilings at stations and M&S... it's too much! If I'm out too long at night I end up home with a migraine. A few Library nearby have been recently fitted with these high impact lasers overhead and they just point directly at the top of the eye between the cornea & retina. And no one else seems to think it's a problem?! 

  • Are you signed up with 

    It's frustrating enough to have to wear ear plugs everywhere - electric cars, scooters, buses and their high pitched buzzing, lights buzzing, hand dryers at 124dB, crosswalks, screeching breaks, rails and so on. 

    A world without any natural heat-source based light in the evening sends me home where I temper the warm and properly dispersed LEDs with Halogen for a full-spectrum of natural light. 

    Car lights fitted with xenon/laser lights are supposed to be illegal and shrugged off if they're imported. The strobe lights at the Pret counter, on bicycles, in shops when they're flickering a death knell, beams from cars who are just stopped on the side of the road, the lasers fitted on footpaths, the half orb in the ceilings at stations and M&S... it's too much! If I'm out too long at night I end up home with a migraine. A few Library nearby have been recently fitted with these high impact lasers overhead and they just point directly at the top of the eye between the cornea & retina. And no one else seems to think it's a problem?! 

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