
I can’t help but notice that 70% ish of posts on these forums are either about suicide, depression, being fed up and done with life and complaining about things. I include myself I have also been fed up and have came to the forums looking for support. But I kind of wondered why autistic people are so depressed all the time and so quick to give up on life so quickly. I know circumstances play a part in it. But some non autistic people go through equally negative experiences like bullying and lack of relationships yet don’t seem as affected by it. I guess I just wonder why us autistic people are so down all the time. I notice I am down when everything is going great but it’s like there is a rain cloud above my head or something. Maybe I do have a chemical imbalance after all. Just want to spread the message to everyone thinking of ending it that life is beautiful and too precious to give up I know sometimes we can’t see that maybe that’s the problem. To anyone thinking about it please don’t give up there is medication out there and people you can talk to. You never know what positive thing lies round the corner. There will be negatives but don’t make the negatives bigger than they actually are. 

  • But some non autistic people go through equally negative experiences like bullying and lack of relationships yet don’t seem as affected by it.

    Not even an hour ago in my government class, there were 3 girls sitting at the desk next to me. One wrote the wrong awnser on the worksheet and started erasing it. Her friends then said "Oh my gosh, youre so stupid, stop being so autistic" while all three of them were laughing at that comment. Autism is like some joke to some people, saying youre autistic if you do something silly or stupid. That girl isnt autistic and I doubt any of them know about what autism really is. I could tell they were trying to make fun of autistic people. Other people at school make simular 'jokes'.

    I think most people who get bullied for stuff like having ugly shoes or somthing, may be upset but once they leave school it wont be a problem. Because people mature. But there are stories of autistic adults getting treated unfairly or made fun of. There are even studies proving that NT tend to dislike autistic people just based on looking at them without even knowing they are autistic. 

    The only way to survive in this world is by being apart of it. But when im part of it then im lonely because I cant comunicate like everyone else. Everything is too much for my senses. But being forced into that enviroment is going to make you feel down.

    Maybe we have trouble recognising when were upset until we are very upset. Then it seems like we are overreacting to a small bad thing, when in reality we just didnt realise we were upset until that moment.

    Even this forum, which is supposed to be a nice place for autists to come together, is driving people away. There isnt a place anywhere where we can belong and be happy. Everything always falls apart and people always leave. So of course people will be unhappy

    Im not upset with poster btw. Im just upset. You made good points and its a nice post

  • That's a very valid point. If you have to suppress your emotions constantly because people are constantly kicking you, you finally notice how miserable you are only when you are overflowing with misery. I finally have a mattress up against he wall that I can lay into any time I want, and thank God.

    Yes, the other point is that people don't say "Oh, he has autism, so I'm going to treat him like he's subhuman". That never occurs to them. They think "He looks like the kind of person who winds up in greasy rags under a bridge", and they are both correct and terribly wrong at the same time. The sad thing, is that I dated a girl who is overtly physically disabled, and I watched her get treated like dirt, too, so don't rely on the promise of unveiling autism to the world for sympathy. You probably won't get it even after they realize they're abusing someone for being either disabled, or just wired differently, depending on the extent.

  • That's a very valid point. If you have to suppress your emotions constantly because people are constantly kicking you, you finally notice how miserable you are only when you are overflowing with misery. I finally have a mattress up against he wall that I can lay into any time I want, and thank God.

    Yes, the other point is that people don't say "Oh, he has autism, so I'm going to treat him like he's subhuman". That never occurs to them. They think "He looks like the kind of person who winds up in greasy rags under a bridge", and they are both correct and terribly wrong at the same time. The sad thing, is that I dated a girl who is overtly physically disabled, and I watched her get treated like dirt, too, so don't rely on the promise of unveiling autism to the world for sympathy. You probably won't get it even after they realize they're abusing someone for being either disabled, or just wired differently, depending on the extent.

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