
I can’t help but notice that 70% ish of posts on these forums are either about suicide, depression, being fed up and done with life and complaining about things. I include myself I have also been fed up and have came to the forums looking for support. But I kind of wondered why autistic people are so depressed all the time and so quick to give up on life so quickly. I know circumstances play a part in it. But some non autistic people go through equally negative experiences like bullying and lack of relationships yet don’t seem as affected by it. I guess I just wonder why us autistic people are so down all the time. I notice I am down when everything is going great but it’s like there is a rain cloud above my head or something. Maybe I do have a chemical imbalance after all. Just want to spread the message to everyone thinking of ending it that life is beautiful and too precious to give up I know sometimes we can’t see that maybe that’s the problem. To anyone thinking about it please don’t give up there is medication out there and people you can talk to. You never know what positive thing lies round the corner. There will be negatives but don’t make the negatives bigger than they actually are. 

  • Life is depressing and empty if you don't have anyone. If you define life as what you share and contribute among others, then if you are alone, you literally have no life. You're not living. You're surviving from day to day, and that doesn't have any meaning. What normal people don't grasp is that you don't have to look like Quasi Modo for the world to wreck you by a thousand cuts. You can have an ugly mole on your lip, and they will leave you in the gutter. There was one person who was perfect, and he was crucified for it.

  • Life is depressing and empty if you don't have anyone. If you define life as what you share and contribute among others, then if you are alone, you literally have no life. You're not living. You're surviving from day to day, and that doesn't have any meaning. What normal people don't grasp is that you don't have to look like Quasi Modo for the world to wreck you by a thousand cuts. You can have an ugly mole on your lip, and they will leave you in the gutter. There was one person who was perfect, and he was crucified for it.

  • If you define life as what you share and contribute among others, then if you are alone, you literally have no life.

    I hear what you are saying @sunspot, as I often think and say similar things. 

    Someone I was sounding off listened, and replied that my view, and a fair bit of society too, was limiting so much what was included by the words 'share' and 'contribute'. There are an abundance of ways that you contribute to the world in ways that are often not observable and whose immense ramifications are not always considered. To give two examples they gave me - 

    1. You, they said to me, are speaking to me, and now they understand where I am coming from with my speed. You are sharing your own contribution in this discussion, and in doing so, you've contributed to my life because I have learnt that someone else has a similar perspective to me. And that has helped me feel at this moment less alone and less isolated. So I thank you @sunspot, and I am grateful for what you shared. 
    2. "You're not living. You're surviving from day to day, and that doesn't have any meaning". Yes... but also no. Surviving includes buying food. And buying food - even in its most difficult situation - contains some agency and choice. You buy a particular type of food, and that purchase contributes to an unseen chain. You don't buy the food, but say acquire it from a food bank, your selection and receipt of the food means that someone, having purchased it and offered it, has had their choice confirmed. Even in our smallest actions, we have immense reverberations. Even throwing the smallest pebbles into water causes large ripples. Though stone, sinking to the bottom, does not observe the consequences, there are still reverberations.