I think I have a vape addiction

Hi this week has been the worst and I have started vaping it feels amazing the issue is I can’t stop now I feel like a smoker even though I quit years ago well I wasn’t really addicted to that. Now that the vapes are so popular I thought why not and now I can’t seem to stop I’m vaping now grape flavour it’s like Calpol when we were kids and we got a fever our parents gave us Calpol and I love the flavour still. Is this a bad addition and if it is how do I stop? 

  • Like any habit, it can easily spiral into addiction. But hey, recognizing it is the first step towards making a change, right? It's like they say, "Awareness is key!" So, you're already on the right track.

  • Like any habit, it can easily spiral into addiction. But hey, recognizing it is the first step towards making a change, right? It's like they say, "Awareness is key!" So, you're already on the right track.

  • I tried a vape, just a normal tobacco flavoured one and I really didn't get on with it, it made me cough and gave me a sore throat and even the lowest nicotine level was to high for me. I must say though, I don't understand why people want to smoke bubblegum and berry flavours?