Freemasonry, stalking, harassment, cybercrime

For roughly 4/5 years I thought I was talking to a girl online turned out to be a gay transvestite. I asked Peter previously to remove this peice but felt compelled to write it again.

It started with weird stuff happening on my phones and iPad and predictive text etc sussex police were involved did help but not enough was done. The police officer at the time did witness the hacker and agreed it had been hacked, my mum did as well. I asked veritas anti stalking for help as well along with various other charities in the field of anti-stalking. I asked stonewall and all sorts as well recently no answer to emails?

Are paint a picture of the scene, I would be in my gym during the lockdown on my phone looking at fitness babes dreaming, I was scrolling one day and came across what I thought was a bird looked like a bird.

I was looking into hobbies I was looking into golf wanted to give golf a try I then had weird stuff happening with my phones, emails, predictive text, full sentences and conversations coming up in the predictive text. I know we have AI but it wasn’t AI it was proper conversations.

The Hacker:-

The hacker was claiming to be several people i firstly thought it was my ex girlfriend at the time then it was claiming to be someone else a well known golfer from America it was claiming to be several people, eventually it stayed on claiming to be a golfer.

It really did my head in I was looking for girls and women I wanted what I thought was bird I am not bisexual either I am straight. The hacker went on to sexually harass me over my gender and sexuality which left me mentally unwell and ill.

Having a stalker or had a stalker has left me with mental health agoraphobia unable to leave the house Isolated from friends and family. I had to quit my job due to the stalker because it was a gay man it wouldn’t accept I was straight, I didn’t want men anywhere near me I still don’t I don’t like talking to men either it’s had a dramatic effect on my life.

I asked stonewall for help my cousin who is gay I know it’s ok to be gay and bisexual but (I’m straight). The hacker was also claiming to be a Freemason that is was marking like the mark of cain? I asked the UGLE for advice on that. 

I was looking for girls not anything else be safe online be careful who you talk to as a lot of fakes.

(an honest account from my perspective). Disclaimer. The police officer witnessed what I’m saying.

  • I'm from the US, and I had trouble with those guys. They went and found me on the Internet, and lured me back out to a place where I had previously made some friends, and I don't want to go into the details. It bothered me that I found them incredibly and overtly racist, using endless slurs, and I found their lodges still segregated black/white.

  • The hacker was claiming to be mason a Freemason also a golfer? I visited the UGLE in London tracking down clues who was hacking me who was attacking me claiming it was guidance (it’s not guidance) be safe pass the message on 

  • There's nothing about their philosophy or behavior that makes sense to me. They claim to be about a bunch of high-minded concepts, but the ones I met, in addition to being exceedingly racist, they believe in things like swearing loyalty to a Master, and one begins to question where the "free" part comes in. Between "Mastery" and their racism, one suspects they might have been the ones running the plantations and slave markets.

  • There's nothing about their philosophy or behavior that makes sense to me. They claim to be about a bunch of high-minded concepts, but the ones I met, in addition to being exceedingly racist, they believe in things like swearing loyalty to a Master, and one begins to question where the "free" part comes in. Between "Mastery" and their racism, one suspects they might have been the ones running the plantations and slave markets.

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