We have a Problem Here Folks. AI imitating humans here in this place.

Perhaps I am naive.

Perhaps we can have a new "rule" making evident forms of non-human AI here as an offence.

I don't like what I see.  Or perhaps the Genie is well and truly loose, for all of us, everywhere....unless in person, face to face?

I like face to face, one on one.  Clear unavoidable transparency of reality. 

  • So, two of my lifelong special interests are consciousness and artificial intelligence. Also studied these at uni and have been lucky enough to incorporate these in my career. (Well, the AI part, nobody has a clue about consciousness).

    And, despite everyone’s previous expectations, artificial intelligence is currently progressing much further and much faster than anyone expected. General belief is that OpenAI have probably already created an AGI and are drip feeding developments so as not to just break everything.

    So, AI bots are the least of our concerns. We are (within the next 2-3 years) about to witness more change than has happened in the last 2000 years.

    I cannot believe the lack of awareness in mainstream media and government.

  • The majority don't seem to  care.  They are distracted by "shiny" things and "well-being/individualisation's."

    The masses have lost the ability to think for themselves....or have a belief that they have no power to change anything.....so why should they bother caring......or they have become so used to a 'safe and comfortable' life that they don't really believe that things can get REALLY bad, really fast anymore.

    I think this is very sad and I know this is dangerous.

    I spend a fair bit of time considering consciousness.  Donald Hoffman is one of my heroes.

  • Consciousness has always fascinated me as it seems like the fundamental question. There is absolutely no explanation for it in science. That doesn’t mean it’s “supernatural”, it just means that there are massive breakthroughs in science still to be made. Hopefully ones that are amazing and wonderful and life affirming.

    Conversely, the amazing progress being made with large language models threatens to reveal a horrible possibility - that we are literally just algorithmic machines with no soul. Soon to be inferior algorithmic machines.

    I’ve spent the last 30 years immersed in the AI community and literature. In the last few months I can only say that there is panic.

  • Consciousness has always fascinated me as it seems like the fundamental question. There is absolutely no explanation for it in science. That doesn’t mean it’s “supernatural”, it just means that there are massive breakthroughs in science still to be made. Hopefully ones that are amazing and wonderful and life affirming.

    Conversely, the amazing progress being made with large language models threatens to reveal a horrible possibility - that we are literally just algorithmic machines with no soul. Soon to be inferior algorithmic machines.

    I’ve spent the last 30 years immersed in the AI community and literature. In the last few months I can only say that there is panic.

  • You should watch the video below. It caused consternation a few years ago because everything in it is technology that already exists.

  • Unfortunatey, I'm not. Although I tried to add a little humour, my post incorporates the disgusting mechanism by which humans justify what they do to other humans who think a little differently to their ideals.

    Substitute the name of any victim group for robots and re-read it and you can see how I've misused words to justify recommending mindless and unjustified aggression against a minority. 

    I had hoped someone would notice that. But people never seem to, until the actual warfare starts.

  • I think that you are missing MY concern somewhat.  It isn't the AI or a robot army that I fear, per se, it is "we, the humans" that I fear......in the sense that we seem to have the intelligence and skills capable of making such things......but NONE of the requisite wisdom and grace to programme and manage such things.

    Dumbass humans are to be feared, not the AI.....in my opinion. 

  • I saw what happened to Dr Robert Malone and similar previously great scientists when they went against a narrative backed by power.

    Still, I draw a crumb of comfort from the old saying:

    " My computer kicked my *** at chess, but turned out to be not so good at kick boxing". 

    In the case of a serious argument with a robot, DIY thermite or cyclonite will level the playing field for humanity...

    Although traps involving carborundum powder and grease or similar will always bedevil those terminators. A co2 fire extinguisher loaded with sticky fine abrasive will weaken those terminators pretty damn quick, matey!

    We will find the gaseous compound that ruins hydraulic seals in seconds or minutes after one exposure.

    A lot of exotic alloys have chemical weaknesses, we'll have the tin bastards one way or another if they get too uppity!!! (And everyone agreees that it's the right thing to do, of course.) 

    They'll soften us up first by passing laws preventing us using words like "toaster" or expressions like "Hunk of Junk" and giving them equal rights.Then when teh robots have enough power they'll COME FOR OUR CHILDREN!! 

    We humans must strike first!

    I'll start with this keyboakjvlk jhzho'hh;mmioun#ziunu'aojr #

  • In the last few months I can only say that there is panic

    Panic is NEVER useful, in any situation, ever.  I'm going to allow myself to change your single word 'panic' to many, ie "extreme awareness of an extreme apparent risk that is manifesting right now"...so that I can then sleep easier.

    I am weirdly pleased that people who actually have competencies in this field are feeling alarm.....I find that oddly comforting.