Daughter about to start nursery

Hello. I joined here in 2019 but wasn't here for long as my mental health was in an extremely bad place then. I'm pleased to say things are much improved now, I'm a mum, I work, and mentally I'm A1 once again. Life still has its many challenges but I'm much better at coping with them now.

My daughter Elsie is 3 and she'll be starting nursery in a couple of weeks time. She also has autism, very recently diagnosed and I'm apprehensive about how she will do at nursery as it's going to be a big change for her with new people, new toys, new environment and no me. I'm hoping she'll adapt quickly and will be ok but I am anxious about it.

On Friday morning I'm taking her to look around the nursery again where she'll meet different staff members and get to spend an hour at the nursery to get to know the environment. I'll be with her for this.

Maybe I'm just worrying unduly. I just want it to go well and for her to be happy.

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